
Can the cops arrest a minor for shoplifting?

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I'm a 15 year old boy and ive never got in trouble by the cops for anything before this. Yesterday 8/23/08 i got caught shoplifting for the first time and they took all my information and i called my dad. The security told him to pick me up and he said he was on his way. They called 2 cops in to take the same information i told the security. I was sitting down on a chair while 1 cop called this guy that worked at the police station to ask him a question. He also asked what do you want to do with him? the guy from the police station said take him in. I had no idea what that meant but the 2 cops started arguing over why he he asked him that. So the cop finally said get up and she cuffed me up and started to walk me through the mall. Everyone was looking at me handcuffed walking with these 2 cops. They put me in the back of the police car and took me to the station. The guy took finger prints and a photo.

I don't think i deserved to get arrested when my dad was already on his way to pick me up from the security office. I told my mom what happened so she called the police station and they said they can only arrest a minor if i appear as a threat to them. I have to go to court in a week. What do you think i should say?




  1. UImm, the cops have the authority to arrest anybody accused of committing a crime, even minors.  You obviously misheard what the cops told your mom because police officers arrest under age criminals all the time, even 15 year old ones.  

    Also, you'vce obviously underestimated just what you've gotten yourself into - shoplifting is a crime.  It's not the Brinks Job, but retailers lose millions of dollars a year to undeage shoplifting.  Every 15 year old on the planet thinks that he's got a license to steal (what did you steal anyway?  A candy bar?  An iPod?  The answer will significantly affect the outcome of the case - you never specify what that was, which is only one of the bigger hints that your priorities are completely off here).  

    The cops were indecisive because you've completely blown there day - they'd rather have to deal with crimes that really matter, like the guy who came home early to find his wife in bed with his best friend.  Basically, they've probably got you to rights - there's no law enforcement misconduct here.

    What are you facing?  Many jurisdictions allow what's called an ACD - the case is held open for a year or so and dismissed if you stay out of trouble.  There may be a fine and some program for shoplifters, but that's not too much trouble for you.

  2. It's totally the discretion of the arresting officer whether or not you are booked at the jail then transported to the county jail.

    Fines cannot exceed 5000$ but are usually 1200$.


  4. Let's see...

    Cops arrest peole who break the law.

    Shoplifting is a violation of the law.

    You broke the law by shoplifting.

    Yep, the cops can arrest you.

    You should say, "Your honor (or Sir/Ma'am), I committed this crime and am ready for my punishment."

  5. Yes you will go to jail and pay a fine and it will be marked on your record and YES it will stay with you the rest of your life. Poor choices s***w you up later on in life..

    At age 15 you could be considered a young adult (I would of anyway) and took you down and taught you a lesson.

    I hope you did learn your lesson, don't take stuff that is not yours and do NOT break the law.  

  6. In most cases, security guards call the police to apprehend (place under arrest) the shoplifter. It was not illegal for the police to bring you to the station, because even if charges are not filed against you, they still needed to place you on file for your crime. If your charges are dropped in this case, it will not be placed into your "criminal record" but, your arrest will be always on file on a rap sheet (which is just an arrest record).

    I don't think the explanation the person told your mother was valid.

    My suggestion is keep your nose clean. If you have no priors, the store may drop the criminal or civil suit and might just move to ban you from the store. Shoplifting is a stupid crime to have put on your record, it'll keep you out of tons of jobs.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Yes, they have the right to do that.

    When you go to court, I suggest you just apologize to the judge and say you're sorry you had bad judgment and have learned your lesson.  Hopefully he'll go easy on you.

  8. Shoplifting is a crime, therefore you can be arrested for it no matter what your age is.  Some businesses may decide to just call your parents and have you trespassed from the property, but arrest is always a option.  You have no defense to this  since you really did it.  Tell the court the truth.  If this is your first offense, you'll get a light punishment.  Be apologetic in court if you are allowed to speak.  Don't try to argue that the police didn't have the right to arrest you.  It will only make you look worst and invite the court to give you a harsher punishment.

  9. You are not going to get much sympathy here.  you deserve to be walked through the mall handcuffed.  You deserved to be embarrassed.  your parents are not going to be able to get you out of bad situations forever.  Take responsibility for your actions and you will go a lot further in life.  Learn your lesson this once and tell the judge this was a large mistake and you must take responsibility for it.

  10. Dear 15 going on 10...if you steal you get to go vist the jail.  they can call your Dad all they want but they can still take you to jail.  but they have to have your Dad there to talk to you.  

  11. You bet and Juvie jail is NOT a fun place....

  12. Not to worry your self to much. You will pay a fine at the court.First you have to explain why you did it and that you will not do it again. Your parents have to bring 150.00 to court just in case. This for sure it will stay in your records history and if you have other crimes in you records that will affect your future. Good Luck.

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