
Can the dead really try to contact the living?

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My dad died in november of last year. It was sudden and he was only young. We werent on very good terms at the time and after his death, although Im not into all that pshycic sytuff, I asked if it was possible could he give me a sign that all was ok between us. Not straight away but since then loads of strange little things have happened. Little coincidences maybe? eg while i was flicking through a baby name book the page landed on his name, also I was given a photo of me and my dad when i was a little girl by my mam and i stuck it in an album, i was really surprised to look down in my bedroom one day and find the photo by my foot. I got the album and turned to the page where i had stuck it and there it was still stuck fast????? My mam doesnt think there was a copy made. These are just 2 little thing there are loads more similar. I am honestly a very level headed person and I can hardly believe this stuff myself. what are your thoughts? Is he still around?

ta xx




  1. take a visit to your local spiritualist church, you might feel much better when you have had a chat with normal people who know about this sort of stuff.

    You might be pleasantly surprised.

  2. Take it from someone who knows.We are never alone.No matter how the relationship was when he died,his love for you goes with him.He loves you very much and he is very proud of you.Only the flesh perishes.That which is ones essence lives on.

    These things are as real as the air you breath.You can't see the air you breath but you know it's there,So is the human spirit.Always present.Don't be afraid,Know that he loves you.

  3. There's no scientific evidence that life exists after death or that, if so, the dead can contact the living. That's not to say that it is impossible. It just hasn't been proven.

    There are many charlatans throughout history and in our time that prey upon those who have suffered a loss. May I suggest that your loss has primed you to seek any connection with your father. It's a normal part of the grieving process. Things that you would have viewed as coincidences in the past now have new meaning in that context.

    Keep him alive in your thoughts and memories.

  4. The mind is powerful.  Other people make a strong impression on us.  When they die our thoughts of them are all that is left, and they continue to grow in our imaginations.  Some people like to use this phenomenon to play tricks on us.  Phony psychics make a lot of money exploiting the loss of loved ones.  Better to remember the dead for what they taught us about making the world better for the living.

  5. I'm not sure, but I know that months after my uncle died in 1995, I had a dream about him--and he was as healthy and happy as he could be, though he had been full of cancer, and side effects from the chemotherapy.  It gave me peace, because I hadn't been able to see him just before he died.  I remember him as I knew him--and that's good enough for me.

  6. i never really was into this sort of stuff either, but i was proved wrong when i went to see a psychic myself. no harm in trying it out. but some are c**p. so make sure you find a recommended one. there are things they tell you that there is no way they could know.

    but i reckon he's defo around

  7. He is absolutely telling you he is around.  You keep your mind open to his signs and maybe even ask for something specific.  For example: like a song to come on the radio that reminds you of him or something to come on tv that reminds you of him.  Our loved ones are always open to contact us from the other side.  You might even ask him to come to you in a dream.

  8. from my experience, i would say that at times the dead can attempt and even succeed in contacting the living. however,. it is also possible, as an inducement to ultimately be dominated by evilly entities, to be led to accept that the Peterson trying to communicate is the actual person. evil entities can take on the form of the dead, and this for their own purpose4s over your will power, faith in God etc. and one can't be sure for quite a while. Animists, believe in the 'living dead'. There are people in the world who have never heard of God but accept in their own cultures and from their own experience that the living do not disintegrate except in their mortal body but somehow live on and at times occupy an other living body. On this subject, the study of rural Papua New Guineans, would be a contemporary example. Although Christian fro sometime, the belief in the living dead has not been dismissed from their beliefs.

    caution should be taken, even if, such as the " Christian Spiritualist might be confident they know exactly who they art5e communicating with.

  9. I think so! Mabey he just wants to say his good byes! Thats what happend with my mom and i had the same thing! Visit a sciyic if you want to and mabey find out if he wants somethin!

  10. Well you never know, it depends on what you personally want to believe

    i guess im just like you, i dont really believe in those sorts of things but ive had experiences in my life where im just like 'omg this just cannot be a coincidence'

    but you never know

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