My dad died in november of last year. It was sudden and he was only young. We werent on very good terms at the time and after his death, although Im not into all that pshycic sytuff, I asked if it was possible could he give me a sign that all was ok between us. Not straight away but since then loads of strange little things have happened. Little coincidences maybe? eg while i was flicking through a baby name book the page landed on his name, also I was given a photo of me and my dad when i was a little girl by my mam and i stuck it in an album, i was really surprised to look down in my bedroom one day and find the photo by my foot. I got the album and turned to the page where i had stuck it and there it was still stuck fast????? My mam doesnt think there was a copy made. These are just 2 little thing there are loads more similar. I am honestly a very level headed person and I can hardly believe this stuff myself. what are your thoughts? Is he still around?
ta xx