
Can the dental hygienist pick your enamel away, like I've heard of brushing your enamel away but I'm not sure?

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After I got done at the dentist, I can see spaces between my teeth. I'm pretty sure its just plaque/tartar that was there before but I can help but wonder if they can pick pick away your enamel.





  1. No they cant.  You are right it was just where calculus was before.

  2. I've had a few patients of mine asked if I can over-scale their teeth. The answer is Yes. Now, what I'd have to do is sit there for many hours and scale the same area over and over again (providing I sharpen my instrument). However, an area of the tooth, which is called cementum, can be overscaled. This would result in sensitivity. Also, by using flouridated toothpaste and rinses helps strengthen the enamel so I wouldn't worry so much!

    *There is a procedure that we're trained to do and it's called root planing. After tartar and plaque is removed, we smooth the rough surfaces of the tooth with our scalers so there would be less adherence for plaque.

    Hope this helps

  3. No, the spaces are where the tartar had been removed. You're fine. Just make sure to floss to avoid so much build up for next time. The tartar can actually destroy your bone level and, in the long run, make you lose your teeth.  

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