
Can the dna of the baby change

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if a girl is pregnit and then sleeps with another guy could the dna change to the second guy, i was told this was possible but i don't believe it?




  1. Nope, there is no way that is possible.

  2. Nope

  3. Negative.  Read this:

    During sexual intercourse (s*x), sperm is released into the cervix. They swim up the fallopian tubes. The egg cell moves down through the fallopian tube. The sperm meet the egg. One penetrates the egg, and the outer membrane of the egg LOCKS OUT THE OTHER SPERM CELLS (emphasis added). The sperm cell releases its nucleus, which combines with the egg's DNA to create a zygote.

  4. Wow.

    First, naked tickling of babies,

    now changing DNA.

    What a fun night we're all having!

  5. DNA ...Whaaaaaaaaat?

    You are kidding!

  6. Hahahahahahahaha.


  7. not a chance. DNA is the same.

  8. Of course not!!  That is so silly . . . ones unique dna is created at the moment of conception and is the same for life.

  9. no... absolutely not

  10. It is actually possible for one person to have two sets of DNA; it's called Chimerism. But that's not how it happens.

  11. Totally, the poor creature will be half white half black :)

  12. Did you see that on a soap opera? because literally, that the only place it will ever happen. NO you ABSOLOUTLY cannot change dna. no ones DNA. not yours, not a babies, not a dogs NO DNA CAN BE CHANGED. its the most common sense thing ever, its not that hard to grasp..NO. and whomever told you that, should be ashamed of thier extreme stupidity.

  13. absolutely not.  dna is permanent and they get it as soon as the sperm enters the egg.  but if someone's girlfriend is pregnant and sleeping with another man, i think there are bigger problems to worry about.

  14. Maybe some women wish but it is impossible. Once the baby is conceived the DNA is already there.

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