
Can the doctor tell if mold is making you sick???

by  |  earlier

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I hear people saying that they are allergic to mold, my apartment has mold and my son keeps coughing and has runny nose and watery eyes. I went to the doctor to see if it is the mold, so maybe I could get out of my lease. She told me that there is no way to tell if mold is making him sick. I here people say their allergic though, so will an allergy test tell me this and why didn't she recommend this???




  1. Your doctor might be a board certified allergist or immunologist so they aren't trained to do allergy testing.  Get your doctor to refer you to an allergist or immunologist.  They can do either skin testing or blood testing to determine if your son is allergic to mold.  If it turns out that mold is the culprit, you will not only have to concern yourself with the apartment, you will also need to have the doctor talk to you about antibiotics and cheeses that your child should avoid.  For example, if the apartment has the penicillium mold (a really common mold), and your son is allergic, then not only does the mold have to be cleaned from the apartment but in the future your son has to avoid the penicillin family of antibiotics and blue cheese.  

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