
Can the effects of a planet's magnetic polarity reversal be predicted?

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If the Earth's magnetic polarity were to reverse, is it possible to predict 1) When this would occur? 2) What effect this would have on the Earth's natural defenses? 3) What effect this would have on the Earth's mantle? 4) What would happen to the Earth's rotation, and 5) What would happen to the environment?




  1. No noticeable effect at all but it will s***w up your compass.

  2. you cant predict it but im sure scientists think they can or already have it probably would make a large difference but who can say i mean it could trigger an ice age birds could fly north for the winter i know that they have reversed in the past many times but i do not know the effects that it may have had at the time but it could be nothing or totaly change everything we dont know  

  3. (1) The earth's magnetic field "reverses" every so often in geological time. This is proven by the record of magnetic minerals (magnetite) in volcanic rocks, which effectively "freeze" in allignment with the magnetic field when the lava cools. They are effectively geological compasses. Looking back at older volcanic rocks, we can see that the orientation of these minerals periodically flips with geological time; i.e magnetic north becomes magnetic south and vice versa.  From the evidence of past polar reversals, we know that another reversal is overdue.  But we cannot say exactly when. The magnetic field is shifting in posirtion and diminishing in strength right now.  A full field reversal is likely on a timescale of hundred - thousand years.

    (2) When the field reverses, there will be a short period (?tens of years) with no magnetic field, or maybe a rapidly fluctuating one. Then the field will return to normal, albeit with the North and South magnetic poles reversed. During the time of no magnetic field, the Earth will be more vulnerable to incoming solar radiation and solar particle storms.

    (3) The magnetic field is considered to be generated within the core of the earth.  I do not know what the effects on the earth's mantle (which surrounds the core and underlies the continental plates) will be.  We'll probably never know!

    (4) There will be absolutely no effect on earth's rotation.  The rotational poles are completely unrelated to the magnetic poles.

    (5) During the period of reversal, there will be spectacular "aurorae" displays. Possibly increases in skin cancer due to increased solar radiation. More likely, severe damage to electrical systems and telecommunications, in fact anything electrical pretty much. Satellites destroyed. Internet useless.  Compasses useless for navigation. Disruption to migratory activities of birds, fish etc. The downside is with things electrical being rendered next to useless, life as we know it will change drastically - possibly even triggering a collapse of civilization. The upside is that for the rest of life on the planet, things will carry on pretty much as normal.

  4. uuuhhh no

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