I don't know a lot about the technical details about the copy machine although I'm an electrical engineer trying to build a product sorter. So here comes my question:
The project is a automatic cutting and sorting machine. A continues strip of material is fed through an automatic cutter, which cuts it into sections in predetermined length (typically quarter inch by 3 inch). The piece then falls from the cutter and into one of 20 containers in a raw. Before the cutter makes the next cut, the containers are shifted by one unit-length such that the next piece will fall in to the next waiting container. The system repeats itself automatically and after each run the 20 containers will have one piece of material each.
A document sorter seems to me to be a good replacemnt to a custom made moving mechanism. If (1)the sorter can work/move horizontally without the existance of a copy machine and (2) there are simple ways (like hooking up two wires to a press button or providing a TTL signal) of letting the sorter moving 1 step at a time in either direction, I think this plan is feasible.
Is a typical sorter able to to that job? Or sorters from a certain brand can fit the bill?
Please let me know if more information is needed.