
Can the government turn patriotism on and off to suit different circumstances?

by Guest34053  |  earlier

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For example look at WW2 history, patriotism was at an all time high with everybody working together.Nowadays we are told patriotism is "racist" and we should allow the whole world to flood into the UK. No wonder many real Brits are turning to drink and violence.




  1. Who tells you patriotism is racist? That's nonsense spread by the Sun and the Mail and the BNP to make the stupid think that someone wants to prevent them being patriotic.

    There's nothing wrong with patriotism and loving one's country, and it has nothing to do with whether or not we welcome immigrants to our country.

    And during the war people drank, and there was quite a bit of violence about! Drink and violence haven't just been invented, you know!

  2. I'll drink to that but don't say it again or I will have to slap you. What does prosit mean I am American and can't speak English? Hope you understand that was suppose to be funny.LOL

  3. It's the curse of living in a liberal society.  Being patriotic is considered narrow minded.

  4. i am british - well english with a british passport

    there is mnot enough patritism in the UK at this time for fear of offending people who have chosen to come and live here

    it was their choice to live here - i don't think they were forced yet we canot be proud of our traditions and heritage because some of them might not like it......

    the government needs to stop talking about the issue and do something about it - if people want to come here they should be grateful for the opportunities that it gives thsm and then not try to force their 'religion' or 'culture' on the indigenous population

    i wouldn't expect pakistan to become catholic to accommodate my views - yet some muslims want britian to be an islamic state.......

  5. Ha..ha... :) I think the drink and violence are indicative of a Government that just doesn't care about putting in the proper infrastructure to develop and give direction to the youth of today.   It easier to put up a mosquito and move people along than build a sports centre, go-kart trek, or swimming pool. It is easier to put a tax on alcohol pops and strong cider, than it is to build cheaper housing for young people on the minimum wage. The Government using sticking plasters instead of resolving the real issues that is what is degrading our society.

  6. It all depends upon who is using the word, patriotism.  While Bush could argue that it was patriotic to go to war against Iraq which had absolutely no connection to 9/11 another can make as strong or stronger argument that it was unpatriotic to go to war against Iraq.  One can love his country and be loyal to his country by being opposed to action taken by its government which he believes is harmful to the country.   "Patriotism" is a word intended by its user to invoke passion on the part of the listener.

  7. New Labour have a lot to answer for, Gordon Brown even more.  

    Mass immigration is all about watering down Englishness, that`s why the one eyed liar is always banging on about Britishness.

  8. We have 'good' patriotism and 'bad' patriotism in the US. It's good if you support the war on terror, and bad if you oppose illegal immigration. Strange, isn't it? 'Protect' ourselves by invading another country, and do nothing about our own invasion. It doesn't make sense.

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