
Can the heel toe dance get you killed by gang members?

by  |  earlier

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i know the c walk can

and the heel toe is apart of it

i am doing the heel toe for my dance team at school at a game

is it possible that after the game i get jumped in a dark alley??




  1. No dont be worry unless you live in some ghetto *** town like trenton NJ

  2. It's possible. Hire a bodyguard

  3. It is possible that you could get jumped in a dark alley, but it is for that reason why most people avoid dark alleys, and instead opt for more civilized paths such as sidewalks, as they call it in the new world.

  4. For shore,

    it will happen

    I would say you will get jumped leaving the field

    so I would run run really fast

    good luck. ;)

  5. I never heard of such  a thing, but I guess anything is possible. I really doubt it, though. Always avoid dark alleys and dance your heart out!!

  6. hunnie u r not goin 2 get jumped in an alley just cause u can do the heel toe!!! ur whyte n i havent seen a whyte person do the heel toe so i think it would be really cool! now if ur doin da c walk at a game thts a different story u probably would get jumped for doin tht. anyways i h8 crips so i might b jumpn u! LOL! im blooded *****!!! GET LIKE ME!!! stop hatin!

  7. i dnt think s****.>
    but wateve

    i aint no gang meber

    of the blood

    i will ask one of my friend in the bloods

  8. it all dependa on what school you go to if anybody bangs at your school and what collor your wearing if your doing a crip walk i suggest you dont wear blue but like i said it depends on your area but if your really scared just try not to wear blue  

  9. Probably not. You should be OK... I'm not a gang member though.

  10. YEs u could get killed! think of anotha dance routine

  11. You may want to change the dance... just in case. Crips and other gangs dont play about stuff like that.

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