
Can the human brain have evolved from a piece of cauliflower?

by Guest65147  |  earlier

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Because it's not green even though its not the right color. But it would be if you added the brain juices to it. I think the stem became a spinal cord. I think our hair evolved from the roots of a cauliflower that got turned upside down and learned how to drink from the rain.




  1. Very funny, cauliflower head.

  2. what then would a monkey brain have evolved from? or a dolphin brain? or an ant brain?

    though you may be on to a cure for baldness...something with miracle-gro

  3. can't u all see i am extremely intelligence right now? imao.

    Top quality Vinegar or Best Grape? anyway, mine are always the sweeter of all. Free to pluck.

  4. i think you just put this up here to ask a question, and i think I'll answer it just to get a few points!  LOL

    nice idea.

  5. I'd like to know what you have been drinking! Regards UK

  6. yours probably did

  7. Interesting comparison, but not quite right in shape or components. For fun FAQ on the brain see

  8. what?

  9. ummmm, nooooo. I dont think cauliflowers are so smart, and unless your brain is a vegetable, then i dont think so, matey. (Oh, and brains dont have hair.)  =]

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