
Can the increase in the WEREWOLF population also be attributed to human caused global warming?

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Can the increase in the WEREWOLF population also be attributed to human caused global warming?




  1. hey i never thought of that before! that makes perfect sense, why did no one else think of that? dude your a genius. seriously i worship you


  2. even better:

    can the decrease of VAMPIRE population also be attributed to world hunger??

  3. The answer is 42

  4. Next thing you know you’ll be saying it is due to ET terraforming the Earth for an invasion.

  5. yes. i think you're right.

  6. Yep, and I found some proof:

    The population is through the roof!

  7. Yes for sure!

  8. That is crazy!  The increase in the werewolf population is, like most things, attributable to a multitude of factors.  

    1.  There has been an alarming shift in the silver industry away from making silver bullets (to kill werewolves) and toward making gaudy jewelry.  Thus, this has led to a significant decrease in werewolf mortality, leaving more opportunity for breeding.

    2. Gun control laws have also led to a decrease in mortality since potential werewolf hunters are generally too impatient to fill out the necessary paperwork or have to rely on antiquated technology.

    3.  The peace pact between werewolves and VAMPIRES has led to decreased mortality rates in both populations so that they can make movies together with Kate Beckinsdale (and who wouldn't want to do that).

    4. Werewolves have waged a successful marketing campaign against the planting of wolfsbane and instead have encouraged gardeners to plant peonies and pansies.

    5. Werewolves are all pro-life and anti-birth control . . . but nobody knows why.  Probably has to do with a conspiracy with Opus Dei.

    6. Finally, a werewolf's natural animal magnetism makes him irresistable to the ladies!

    Please educate yourself before asking another question based on such an insane assumption.

  9. what???

  10. Dear god yes luckily for you ive been hunting them with my 22. and selling the furs to arabs.

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