
Can the insanity be ended?

by  |  earlier

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"Resting" - monorhyme nonet

And my smile becomes my alibi,

love failing to identify

and I could not tell you why.

White coats tell me to try,

still I cannot cry,

can't rectify.

Ending sigh,

must I...





  1. This is very sad and heart breaking if this is about you, I wish you well!  I hope it might be something that you dealt with in the past, but as far as the present goes, your fine and it is behind you!  Nicely written with lots of emotion!! Cheers !!

  2. Oh I wish that our pain would end. I hate to classify it as that. "Our" pain for each is different. I understand but i feel as if you and i share a similar one. We both loved and we both lost. You not of your own accord and neither i but i pushed it away. I will regret that to my last day. ( not intentional rhyme....>>)

  3. Hang in there--please. I'd love to tell you that everything will soon be okay, but the truth is it's going to take a long time and you are going to have to find inner strength you doubt you have. Powerful piece, though; I'd like to recommend ignoring the ending.

  4. either that, or stop posting rubbish on here./

  5. it's...beautiful...

    sorry, but i cannot explain how that touched me. like a butterfly to the petals of emotion...

    no critique. leave it as it is. i loved it.

  6. We all die in the end, we know not when.

    If grief is what you speak of, it takes a long while to come

    through, one starts with acceptance, of the pain it brings and

    pain does come with. each day becomes less intense, you will cry in your time, no one else's. Blessings Be.

  7. The crying time will come at last

    to bathe our wounds from the past

    cleanse, make ready for healing.

    A deeply felt nonet...

  8. To die

    I can't deny

    I know we try

    I see eye to eye

    As I do try to simplify

    But again I wind up high

    No more will I ask why I cry

    Instead with these words justify

    This life I have I now say good bye

  9. Who says Insanity is a sin,

    Who can justify,

    Tell me, Do you have the strength within,

    To Truly tell me why.

    Tears, that flow and ebb,

    Not always such a feeling,

    When you can forgive your self,

    Then Life has a  True Meaning!

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