
Can the landlord increase the price of my rent?

by  |  earlier

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the property manager has said that we will be in this weekend to sign our new lease (which runs out in a week) but they may be putting the price up. someone told me they had to have put this in writing at least 4 weeks before i rent was up -so three weeks ago.. therefore they cannot do it. is this right? (queensland australia)




  1. What does your lease say? That is the governing contract.

  2. Im not sure if its different but here in the states they can increase the price when you go to sign the new  lease.  They don't have to give you notice.  

    There isn't a whole lot you can do anyway.  If you don't agree to a new price they can refuse to give you a new lease and either kick you out or charge a large increase in rent since you wouldnt be on a lease.

  3. A lease is a new legal document and they can charge the price on it they wish.

  4. Well at the end of your lease your supose to be packing to move out.  Have you gathered your belongings since you haven't signed a new lease?

    In a lease situation they don't have to notify you in advance.

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