
Can the local water company instal a meter in the i am a new home owner to the house(built 40's) ?

by  |  earlier

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had a letter to say they can do it due to law 1999 act. i dont want one.




  1. Once they decide to install meters you can't stop them. It's a "You can't fight city hall sort of thing. I think you'll find your water bills will go down. Mine did. You should receive a booklet that will give you hints on saving water. If not research it on your computer

  2. It is cheaper for them to install the meter in the street than in your home, and will be much less aggravation for you.  You can not choose not to have a meter.

  3. Well why don't you want one? They are not visible and it wont affect you or your bills.

  4. You'd need to speak to your local government about this.  You don't say where you live so this is impossible to answer with any accuracy at all.

  5. A utility company has the right to install a meter anytime they choose .

    How was the water going into your home being measured /paid prior to you owning the property ?

    Water / sewage has to be paid for .... and the ONLY way to be fair is to have a meter ....

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