
Can the main jet in a carb be made by my own?

by  |  earlier

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i'm just curious that if there is anyone who has made a main jet in a 2 stroke engine's carb ? is it possible to make it with a lathe? it looks so simple,,can be turned in a lathe using a stick of brass ...the point is the tiny it possible to drill the tiny hole with a tiny aiguille??will it lead to an inaccurate size? i am interested in making one myself...if anyone who had done this before, i wanna know something about it ..thank u very much!~




  1. Listen to Kelly

  2. im sure it can be buy why when a new one cost like 30 cent

  3. Sounds like you are nowhere the machinist the answerers are.  If you were, you wouldn't be asking the question.  BONG!

  4. You could with a CNC Lathe.

  5. You asked about Dellorto jets  in your other question,,

    I'm answering here so You'll be sure to see it.

    Those jets are measured in 1/100ths of a Millimeter.


    #100= 1.00mm

    # 085= 0.85mm

    #166= 1.65mm

    and so on.....

    They have a weird sequence of sizes,,,it's not even steps.

    The smallest of a series/type ---

    *starts in single digit steps>>060,061,062,063,064

    *Then at some size point is goes by .02mm increments

    *As they get larger,,,it becomes .02mm & .03mm steps

    * At the largest end of the range,,it becomes .05mm steps


    About MAKING jets....I trust all your previous answers have convinced you that it's just NOT practical to make jets from scratch.

    It's a Fair Question though,,,with many jets costing as much as $10 each,,and more.

    Especially when a person anticipates needing 4~5~6 Jets to get a carb jetted precisely.

    A "Half-way" method is to DRILL existing jets in incremental steps.

    When you find a size Very Close to correct,,,

    THEN you can go Buy 1~2~3 genuine jets.

    It reduces the cost of buying a buncha jets to just TRY.

    Sometimes you can get lucky and stumble upon a Drilled Jet which is "close enough"

    Drilling a jet SOUNDS Simple enough.

    But keeping in mind that the "TOP 10 REASONS" for fooling with Jets instead of just BUYING them,,,,

    is all about $,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$,$.

    To go Buy some Drill Bits,,,,and a "Pin Vise" aka jet drill holder/handle,,,

    will usually cost about as much as 3~4 Jets.

    It's worth Something to Experiment and Learn,,,

    and once you own the tools to Drill Jets,,,you can do Many.

    And with some care in Using the tools they'll last for years.

    But the  "1st lessons Learned from Experimentation" with Jet Drilling,,,,

    is that it's almost Always Cheaper and Easier to just go buy some jets.

  6. they are also tapered inside to match the taper of the needle. can you do that? and has a seat where the needle rest. the outside would be easy to make. but you can buy the for just a few dollars each.

  7. IT can be done but I am a tool maker and I would have to charge you  a couple of hundred dollars to make one. Just buy them if you  want look up SUDCO on line and they sell parts and jets for motorcycle and pesonal water craft.

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