
Can the mighty bulldogs defeat the dragons tonight?

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Can the mighty bulldogs defeat the dragons tonight?




  1. In short......NO

  2. No. Possibly. But I reckon no.

  3. h**l no.. not with all the fiasco, they have to effected by it.

    Even before it Dragons were $1.26 Bulldogs $3.50

    Dogs = 15th, Dragons = 7th (only because we haven't won tonights game yet, after that we're back to 6th)

    You can dream mate but Dragons have it.


    EDIT - woo hoo

    Dragons 30 - 0 Bulldogs

  4. Hope not i tipped the dragons lol

  5. with all this c**p going on they Will be lucky not to get thumped by 30 points.

  6. no chance

  7. lol i dont think so..

    the bulldogs are coming like 2nd last...

  8. no

    they will be lucky to score

  9. i hope so ... manly let me down last night and need this point to stay at the top

  10. sorry to say mate i don't think so

  11. no way..

    dont even have SBW

    who ditched them for france..

    dragons by over 10.

  12. theres really no reason,other than the obvious, why they can't beat the dragons. would be a good win for them after this week.

  13. no i don't think they will

    dragins are having a good run and shoulden't be stopped by the bulldogs i don't think they will win

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