
Can the military erase my juvie record?

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I want to join the Marine core or the coast guard I've talked with the marines they said I could get a waiver but wouldn't be able to get a security clearnce.... Not real keen on pushing paper!

I heard the army would erase records for non violent felons ie.over 18. So my question is I have 8 felony charges as a minor and pled to 4... 2 counts on all counts... Braking and entering, conspiresy, tampering with evidence, and larceny the vic was not home this all happened when I was 15 I'm 26 I never got in trouble again is there anyway I can get them to erase my juvie record so I can get a security clearnce? I want to do a mos in PR, Search and rescue, or Recon. They told me with a waiver it would be hard to even be a grunt! My first gung ho mos choice. Thanks.




  1. no. the military has no jurisdiction in the civilian courts of law.  No such things a sealed or purged when it comes to the military either.    It WILL be held against you.  

    you would have to count yourself extremely lucky if anybody allowed you to enlist period with 4 felonies on record.  you can FORGET ever getting a clearance during your first term of enlistment, and only if you were the best Soldier on record  would they consider granting you one later.  

  2. No.

  3. It's Marine "Corps", not 'Core'!  We are not sea apples, here!  Your recruiter is right about the Security Clearance, you will be uneligible!  But I never heard anything about erasing juvie records!  It is unspoken of in my area!  But you have 8 felonies?  That is gonna cause a lot of restrictions.  I suggest that you show any proof that you have 'turned from the Dark Side', as in relinquishing your 'Darth' status!  We want Jedis!

    There is no Search and Rescue slotted MOSs.  That is reserved in the only MOS that is qualified, Recon!  But with your outstanding record, that is highly unlikely you'll be in recon!  Either the Division-level Recon, or the FMF Recon!  It ain't gonnna happen!  It seems that you will only be pencil-pusher or water purifier, or maybe a Bulk Fuel Specialist.

    But don't get your hopes down.  It doesn't matter what MOS you are in the Marine Corps, you'll earn your title as a Marine!  That is most important, as each and every MOS in the Marine Corps depends on each other; it takes a team to win battles!  Hey, not everyone can be a Marine; but if you become'll be a  member in the toughest gang in American, The United States Marine join our Boy Scout Gun Club!

  4. doing that stuff as a kid may have f'd you in the a if you catch my drift...but you're in luck. the army is so desperate for recruits(not saying that you're bad choice, you seem to really want this) that they are taking people with felonies. h**l, they're even taking people with tattoos on their faces, necks and hands! that is your best shot for now. and i do believe that after 2 years of good conduct your record that the d.o.d. keeps(the one with all of your waivers and criminal history) is erased. i know i've heard that but i don't know if it's true...i hope it is man! after that period, you could switch your mos to whatever you want and get your clearance. and it's marine corps....oorah!?!

  5. I'm going to be straight forward with you man, you CAN NOT join the Coast Guard. They wont take waviers for DUI's or anything. They are so strict. With the kinda rep you are screwed with them.

    The Navy may take you, but that is alot of mess man.

    The Army does not consider B&E a felony.

    The Air Force would work with you ONLY if your Recruiter felt like you were worth their time.

    oh, it's Marine Corps.

    Also with you being 15 at the time, you are d**n lucky you were not charged as an adult. I did something similar to this(Not as servere) but I was 12-13 years old. At 14 and up you can be charged as an adult.

    Good luck to you, but dont expect anything unless you charm the heck out of your recruiter and show this same enthusacism.


  6. "The Army doesnt consider B&E a felony" =wrong  Now in the military if you do some things like breaking and entering you may not get a felony conviction you may only get a Art 15 but you might be court martialed and get a BCD.  Federal service doesnt preclude you from having to follow laws.  Sorry that was not your question I just had to put out information.

    Now in terms of clearances, you can get a TS with felonies when you are applying they are looking honesty dont hide anything they would rather you be honest and explain that you were young and have changed rather than you lie about it.  What I have just told you is not branch specific it is a DOD policy.

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