
Can the music cure our soul? What is the music inside us?

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  1. Music consists of harmonies.  When tuning in to music, the music inside of us harmonizes and brings peace of mind.  I have read that a specific piece of Beethoven is being used in clinics as a means of therapy to overexcited and anxious patients.

  2. Music is like a drug.

    It makes you feel good.

  3. of course....She' hope, strenght and love....what can possibly heal better than her?

    p.s. for me Music is a wonderful, lovely woman....:D

  4. An entrainment takes place for me, an attunement to higher vibrations as are heard through the strings of the instrument and the embrace of the cellist 'round the instrument, so that instrument, cellist, and music are one...and it is into this that i fall, also one with is transcendance from the mundane and profane into the sacred "space" of the Absolute...carrying me from mind to mindlessness, no longer body form, but my own vibration diffused.. meeting and merging with the limitless...much as a raindrop falls into the vastness of the ocean, reuniting with its source.  LOVEly...

    i am Sirius

  5. No it cannot cure a soul, but it can help sooth it. It can put to sleep a restless spirit and it can wake up tired mind.

    Healing is and has always been a joint effort. Just like all great things music is a team effort. Doing it is not about the musicians it's about who's listening.

  6. I believe that music can help to cure our soul, if indeed our soul needs curing in the first place.

    The music that is inside of us has to be (at least in part) the soul and therefore it is our inner state of being in its most enlightened form. A surge of pure altruistic emotion (like joy, happiness, knowing something deep down right) tells us that our inner being accepts and knows things that our conscious minds do not.

    I can only describe the experience of this is two ways (needless to say our reaction to it no doubt is very unique and personal)..

    1. is pure untainted blinding great light accompanied with a bubble burst of complete utter happiness

    2. Is a grey hill where no one else exists but we all are there, waiting to be reborn (i think) communicating effectively together without saying a word and then just all disappearing into dust.

    The music inside us in other words is ourselves at the closest possible point of interacting with our creator.

    Hope this helps.

  7. yes yes yes i really dunno how to explain but XP before during my army training, we alway sing all day long for a road march training.

  8. for me yes

  9. In my humble understanding, music opens the doors of ordinary human perception like nothing else; music impersonates the rhythmic beat heart and takes it further along some desired moods of a feeling, or a thought. This is true that music reminds me of good old times, and of times to come, of longings lost, and of promises to keep, of my deep emotional familiarities, and also of my sense of being alone, much lacking in love, lacking in life. The promise of the music is such that it fulfils both, human heart and mind together, all at once.

    Music can spark the fames of passion, nurture our sense of belonging, and kindle our hopes for yet another love. It fulfils life and with life a world around us. The highly evocative nature of music becomes highly effective in inspiring the mind, in galvanising human spirit into action, and in instilling sobriety in our sometimes-chaotic feelings. This is why we feel so occupied with the songs of our delight, with the anthems of our choice, they take us all in, lure us into their world of soothing assurances and promises, that all will be right this way.

    Then I must also remind myself here that music is nothing more than masterful artistry of sound purposed to play upon our emotional thoughts, to inspiring us, yes, but music can take us just so far, however lot farther than our words, sights and thoughts, but never all the way to spiritual fulfilment, as you have wondered.

    This might be true that music is fantastically made up of sound for it magical and enchanting affects, but the cure for spiritual turmoil is not be found in music alone; music can make it easy for someone who has some spiritual objectives of soul enshrined in the purpose of making music, as devotional music in many of the religious traditions of the world, but own its own music can also be deadly, it can misguide and create emotionally memorable hooks for the mind so that it may stay lodged somewhere, whatever that might be.

    The mental faculties music play upon, our thoughts and emotional, are by no means of consistent nature, whereas soul seeks permanence of ultimate in faith, soul, if you do not use the word leisurely meaning in fact meaning heart, is the ‘divine spark’ or the essence of God in man that seeks to resort to its origin in the world hereafter, and also in this world with utmost devotion and longing. Where beats, may that be of our heart or of musical rhythm, signify harmony, as constant state of yes and no, of doubt, as the requites for matter to exist – there is nothing permanent in the world all things changes and they change within the instances of two consecutive beats, when all things, including human heart, rest for insignificant length of a while.

    In a thoughtless and quite world of unchanging sense of belonging, devotion and unison where soul finds its peace and its divine pleasure of being there cannot be any music but the music of soul, of its being, and of the being divine.

  10. Not all music. Some music is used to torture people... really. If you lock someone in a small, dark room and make them listen to techno music from speakers that they use for concerts... it will drive them insane.

    So music is powerful, but it is not always benevolent or soothing. It can be used to evoke a lot of different emotions and feelings.

  11. Music is a universal source of pleasure, even joy. I do not think it can save a soul, but it can certainly cross all barriers- languages, politics, sexual orientation, race, creed, religion.

    As to what is the music within us is- it is whatever yo wish to make it. We each have fabulous possibilities as new babies, and with the right guidance and encouragement, nearly everyone can uncover a hidden talent in some area of music. It is simply unfortunate that many do not have their potential developed, either due to socio-political contraints- such as no access to instruments or money for lessons, or due to parents forcing them into other activities such as sports.

    There are children in various elitist academies around the world today who clearly display this potential, by playing to a high standard, and even composing at very young ages- three or four years.

    The music inside you is whatever you wish it to be, but you need to find the way to express it. This will become easier as various music software becomes more user friendly, but again, this will depend on access to equipment.

    I personally find that even my bad strumming on my guitar, and singing some of my favourite songs is a very cathartic and relaxing experience. I would recommend the pursuit of musical skills to all, and the earlier in life the better.

    All the best.

  12. Are you in pain. Let me sing.

  13. What makes one tick makes another cringe.  According to Chinese 5-element theory the 5 tones of the pentatonic scale are in tune with the organs of the body.

    All organs have their own frequencies, no one knows what's involved with music making us cry.

    This one doesn''t:

    This one usually does:

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