
Can the nintendo ds play music even if it is folded?

by  |  earlier

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I'm planning on using it as an mp3 player so I'm willing to buy a flash card and put mp3 files on the micro sd cards. I want to know if it is possible to listen to your mp3s through your earphones when the ds is folded.




  1. yes there is a plug in the nitendo ds for head phones plug that in but i dont no if  you can have it on the old version on the light version you can

  2. just to let you know before you waste your time you can never ever listen to music are play music on your nintendo ds ever are even use your mp3 player on your system either just your game's that's all  :)ava06

  3. yes it's is possible but you need to use a homebrew program for that like moonshell (also plays .dpg movies) or licks media player (has an ipod mini GUI, but only plays mp3 files)

  4. I dont know

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