
Can the old bill tell if bike is restricted to 33bhp or not ?

by  |  earlier

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say by looking at it if pulled . i know my liceince would flag it up .as i had hoped to rip restriction out once test done




  1. Each bike that is restricted properly will have a certificate with it saying that it conforms to the restriction!

    How they do it is by putting what looks like a washer into the carb inlet denying the full amount of fuel that can enter the cylinder.

    A plod by the side of the road will not be able to notice this.

  2. Yes all they need to look at is the exhaust how thick do you think we are?

  3. They can't tell just by looking at I guess that means I think they are pretty thick.

    But if they suspect it's not restricted then they can get it tested and then you are busted.

  4. If you shoot past one doing 120 then they'll probably twig it.

    But I wouldn't worry about insurance engineers. Two have looked at my bikes, once when I got knocked off and again when my neighbour drove over another bike. Both times the insurers sent out car engineers who didn't have a clue about bikes.

  5. Probally not but it would void your insurance so if you had a crash they would find out and you would be in deep sh*t.

  6. If they pull you over- and you haven't been going over what it's supposed to be restricted to there is no way they can tell whether it's restricted or not by the outside. If they take it away, they can look at it better and will probably see that it is de-restricted.

    If you're in a crash and they take your bike away to look at, and they see that it is de-restricted, you'll not be covered by your insurance, and you may get in trouble by law.

    This is HIGHLY unlikely though, unless you are a maniac.

  7. whats the exaust gotta do with it?

    they normally restrict bikes by putting washers in the inlet manifold thus restricting the mixture going into the cylinder

    they wouldnt be able to tell unless they got it inspected

  8. they cant tell....most know f/all about bikes...just pull them out when your ready..

  9. The Police would only know if the officers in question were Bike experts. If they were, then they would actually be on them, and not sat lazily in a Volvo Estate.

    They can check licence details just by using your registration number, or ANPR. (Same method)

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