
Can the owners of the resort do this to me?

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I have been working at a resort since May... off the books. I work as a maid/bartender and office manager here. New owners recently took over (about two weeks ago).

They're Indian and don't speak much English (the resort is in upstate NY) and they basically begged me to stay here and be manager when they go back to the city (they both work in the city and were going back to their jobs Sept. 3rd) since I know how to do everything here.

I recently lost my apt where I normally live in the city. (I work here May-September usually) and so I took their offer very seriously. They told me "don't worry you keep your room here and you work and we pay you hourly" and now all of a sudden today they tell me I need to be out by Sunday and that they dont need me here anymore.

I'm sorry if this is not making much sense, I'm very upset... I have nowhere to go. I was counting on this and I trusted their word. Can they do this to me?

I have nowhere to go. Literally...nowhere. I don't know what to do.




  1. Unfortunately, that's how "at will" employment works.  It wouldn't have made much difference if you were "on the books".

    Yes, it is very upsetting to be victimized by people, and even worse if you don't have much of a financial cushion.  

    Before you head for a homeless shelter, check to see if your local YMCA provides temporary accomodations.   It probably won't be a luxury hotel room, but it beats spending the night under a bridge.

  2. Yes, if housing is part of your compensation you loose that housing as soon as you are fired.   It is not different then a desk or office, once you are fired you clean it out and take your stuff.

    You need to be looking for a new job and housing.   No one will do those things for you.

    It may seem harsh but where you go is not their problem, no more then where any ex-employee goes once they are terminated.

    Since you have been working since May, had no living expenses,  and apparently not paying income tax you should have a very healthy nest egg.    You will need that for a security deposit, as you need housing sooner then you need a job.

  3. Tell them because they told you that you could stay in your room, you have not lined up any other place to go.  Tell them (don't ask them) you will need to stay until you can find a rental.  The worst they can legally do is evict you, which will take quite a while to do (months, if not a year).

    Go out starting today actively looking for a new job AND an apartment to rent, whether it's where you live now or in the city.  There are a lot of jobs for maids/bartenders, not sure about office managers.

    Don't let them throw you out on the street.  You do have rights in terms of the place to live.  

  4. Sadly, yes they can do that.  However, you need to tell them that you can't move that fast.  Negotiate.  

  5. since youre working off the books and im sure nothing is in writing, yes, they can do whatever they want.

  6. Yes, they can do that. You were working without a contract, off the books, so you have no recourse.

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