
Can the pill help you get pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Last time i fell pregnant i was on a break from the pill as i'd been on it 3 years, we only had intercourse once without BC, risky as it was i learnt from my mistake and fell pregnant immediately.

This time round its taking longer and i was wondering whether any of you found that coming off the pill helped you to fall pregnant? perhaps it kickstarts ovulation or regulates hormones or something?

I read a story about a couple who used it every time they wanted to concieve if they were struggling.

your thoughts please




  1. Hi I think it must do as I was on the pill for a few years and then when I wanted to ttc I came of the pill and got pregnant in the first month lol so it must work  

  2. You could be right, just try it if you want kids

  3. yeah you are right it can help you concieve if you use it that way but it is not good for the baby they say to wait like 1 or 2 months after coming off the pill to even try to get pregnant...

  4. You could be right about that actually!

  5. they say that it takes the pill a while to come your sytem but i know this must be wrong cuz i came off the pill and within 2 days i was pregnant! so yeah what you said does sound more right!....before i was on the pill i never got pregnant and that was without any contraceptionb 4 about 6months..i went on the pill 4 2 years..went off it and in two days got pregnant!

  6. i heard that it does make your chances grater as it sends a rush of hormoans through your body. but its better to buy the ovulation kits you can get this wil improve your chances to as you know when you are ready to consieve

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