
Can the pilots eject when a commercial airline is in out of control?

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why pilots are not ejecting when all hopes are lost?




  1. Commercial airliners have a metal roof and not a glass canopy like fighter jets. So the entire roof would have to pop off for the pilots to eject. Also they dont wear the required g suits to survive punching out either. Also the airlines would face a lawsuit from each passengers family for abandoning them during the flight. So for commercial airline pilots it makes almost no sense for them to be able to eject unless you can figure out a way for everyone on board to do the same.

  2. a boewing 707 and airbus are not made for ejecting... doing the proper ground work before flight  should give the pilot a edge in a emergency... at 40thousand feet the aircraft can drift without power for 30 miles..

    in other words let me explain it this way   all commercial airline flights are controlled by the faa.. you are in contact with a controller the entire flight.. if a emeergenvy arrises.. ground control like new york center . can give you vectors to land saftely.. other emergencyl like mid air collision and events beyond the scope of control are handled by the flight crew.. flying is relatively safe..

  3. For one, if you're going to eject somebody, you have to be able to eject everybody, or everyone will think the flight crew is abadoning all his passengers.

    Even military pilots don't eject until they know they've done all they can to prevent unnesscesary damage to anyone that happens to be on the ground. Some even try to land the airplane too. Check out the source.

  4. what about the passengers?

    no aircrews of airliners do not have ejection seats, nor do their passengers.

    Would you like the idea that you travel a plane that makes its pilot able to eject to safety while you are doomed?

    one more thing: the airliner crews are usually not well equipped to survive a sudden FL300 decompression, and the -65celsius outer temperature. let alone their shoes...

    Ejecting is more complex than just pulling the hotseat triggers.

    finally maintenance of the ejection seats requires specialized personell, usually being dual-educated as armorers, since the seats have pyrotechnic elements.

  5. pilots are sole controler of aircraft.

    its like the same way u are not jumping out of the unbalanced car or brake failed car because you have your family and lovables inside with you or u cant think of going out rather you will think to controll the car till last moment.

    modern aircrafts are made of higher redundancy and can get stable even when every thing goes wrong like engine fails or fuel over except the external damage and so pilots are there to make that stablity.

  6. Hmmm. Good question. Gonna talk to the boss about getting some crew ejection seats. He's got plenty of money right? You should see the theater and sound system he has in this baby.

    And Benny W, B52s have had ejection seats for a half century and they have metal roofs just like our executive 727. B1s and B2s have em too and they too have metal roofs. They just pull a handle and KABOOM, the roof blows off and out they go. Don't need a G suit either. They don't work if they are not connected to the aircraft pneumatic system. And they sure ain't connected when that seat rocket fires.

    And mindworms, we don't have to eject at high altitude ya know. We'd even have time to go back and say "thanks for the ejection seats boss. I'll tell your wife you didn't suffer."

    Yeah, I like this Idea. My boss is allways wanting to provide the crew with perks and stuff. He could afford it. I wonder,,,,,,

  7. Only military aircraft have ejection seats.  In short...NO

  8. No of course not.

  9. daddyporky: "boewing"?

  10. No. Commercial airliners do not have ejection seats, or parachutes for that matter. You cannot eject from a plane with 300 passengers--whether or not it is crashing, because there might be a possiblity to bring a plane down, and save at least some of the passengers. Without a pilot, there is no chance at all. Commercial pilots understand this duty when they take the job. They practice for sometimes hundreds of hours in flight simulators, to try and recreate every possible type of emergency, and practice how to bring a damaged plane down safely. There are going to be some malfunctions and crashes that are not survivable. They understand that as well. Every pilot understands also that he must try, if at all possible, not to crash into an inhabited area, which might kill many more bystanders on the ground than are contained in the plane. That is the nature of the obligation of a pilot and flight crew.

  11. no commercial planes because do not have ejection seats.

  12. Well if you see the flight attendants with an armful of parachutes going forward and smiling nervously then you better worry.....particularly if they are waving good bye....

    Seriously no. If it crashes the pilots are normally going to be the first to die. It is that sudden stop and airplanes don't normally crash tail first.

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