
Can the plaintiff violate a DVRO?

by  |  earlier

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i have a DVRO against my ex bf (my sons father) valid until may 2009 and i was asked by his girlfriend (now ex gf) to be a witness at her DVRO hearing against him (he beat her pretty bad and was charged) i agreed and went. today i received and email from his mother telling me that i would be arrested for stalking if i showed up to any more court hearing against him. he currently has a DUI and assault charge against him and i was advised to follow the cases by legal aid. as of now i was only at the one court date as a witness for another other than that i have not been. can i violate the order against him by showing up for a court date? it clearly says he is not allowed w/i 100 yards of me but says nothing about me being able to violate the order.




  1. If you are suppose to be in court, you can do it.  His mother is blowing smoke to scare you.  At court do not talk to him or approach his.  Try not to even look at him.  When you get to court, go right into the court room.

    The order is against him,  the worst that could ever happen to you is that they cancel the DVRO,  extremely unlike in this case.

  2. You have immunity when in the court house or on the grounds no matter what. Somehow I think you may be a little confused. The Restraining order is on him not you. He is bound by the terms of the order, not you. I believe that he is also in violation of the no contact provision when he uses his mother to contact you on his behalf. You go girl...go to court and testify to the truth of his abuse. I am a male...and hitting a girl, or anyone for that matter is so wrong. The made his choices when he raised his hand. Now you go raise your hand in court to tell the truth.

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