
Can the plastic bags that we use to bag the products we buy be made biodegradable?

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Maybe it's a step toward cleaning up our environment.




  1. Shopping bags are now being made from corn starch and is only a matter of time and they will be replacing the plastic we are using at present.

  2. We make the bags which could be biodegradable.

    Our website:

  3. Nothing with plastic is biodegradable, but i'm sure it can be done especially with today's technology.

  4. Yes, of course they can and some already are.

    A 'plastic' made by Natureworks is made from corn and is used in the packaging industry. A biodegradable version of polyester has also been made by DuPont.

    The problems is..... bio-degradation in landfill is NOT an Eco friendly way to get rid of garbage, including plastic bags. When stuff biodegrades in produced methane which is a greenhouse gas and causes more global warming. Chemicals leak out of the landfill into water water course and thousands of people are made ill or dye from pollution caused by landfill sites.

    Solution?... get a long life bag.... its a pain to carry round but it is at least a contribution to having less plastic covering the earth.

  5. they are now,they dont last long.

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