
Can the police do anything about this?

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im only 14 (female) whenever i walk home from school and pass this one house a guy always comes to the window and whistles at me and says "come here baby" and snaps at me to come to him i just look forward and dont say anything and walk on by. he has never came out of his house. can i report this to the police? how do i report it? can the police even charge him with anything?

its just really getting on my nerves and it scares me.




  1. Ya definitely call the police make them aware of whats going on also talk to a school counselor and have them get in contact with their school police. Both these agency will make contact with the resident, unfortunately he hasn't really broke a law but they can put some pressure on him just by talking to him and maybe even patrol by his house after school has let out. You never know maybe he is parole or probation and could be in violation. Also have your friends make a report just for better cause.

  2. It is people like that that make me sick.  What you are doing is the right thing,  Just ignore him.  But if he does try to pull something, like come towards you, or do anything threatening towards your well being,  inform the local police.  And yes, you can be anonymous in reporting this.  If that doesn't work, you can always take a different route home.  

  3. While he has not technically committed a crime other than maybe minor harassment, I suspect if you talk to a local officer (does your school have one?) they will be more than happy to send someone over to caution him about his behavior.

  4. yes!

    especially if ur really scared.

    police r supposed to be there to protect u.

    im guessing they could get him for harassment.

    i would talk to the police about it if it really did scare me.

  5. I would encourage you to YES call the police and tell them what has happened.

    Do your parents know that this has happened?

    I am positive that the police can do something about it as you are 14 and he "may" be using sexual inticements in his calling out to you.

    DO NOT LET IT CONTINUE- and Please be safe.

  6. I'd suggest you report it. The Officers can approach him and let him know you won't tolerate this behavior.

  7. I'm sure if your dad/mom and the police paid him a visit he wouldn't mess with you anymore, that can be a bother my neighbors older brother use to do that to me and once he grabbed me and tried to drag me in his house and when my dad spoke to him it was supposed to be a joke.  Nip it in the bud now before it goes further.

  8. YES you can report it anonymously. An officer will go to his residence and have a little talk with him. I suggest you do it as soon as possible.

  9. You are only 14 years old and if he is an older guy that could be a problem tell the police they will know how to deal with this problem and they might give you some tips as well but don't dial 911 look in the phone book for the police station.  

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