
Can the police search your car if they impound it for not having vehicle registration?

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Can the police search your car if they impound it for not having vehicle registration?




  1. They can inventory your vehicle for valuables and other belongings. It's not called a search but it's basically the same thing. The police are allowed to do this inventory for civil liability reasons. If the police discover contraband during this inventory, it can be used against you. They cannot force open locked containers or cause damage during the inventory.

  2. Yes - and if it has been impounded under the new "Anti-hooning" campaigns then you can bet your left nut they will too.

  3. YESSSSS!  An impound inventory is NOT A SEARCH UNDER THE 4TH AMENDMENT!!!!!

    People totally misunderstand this point and if they impound it, they own it!  So, KEEP YOUR REGISTRATION UPDATED!!!!

    How about taking a look at what is called the Carroll Doctrine.  That is a concept that allows police to search a vehicle without a search warrant...  However, an inventory is not even remotely a search under the 4TH Amendment due to the fact that the INVENTORY is reasonable to not only protect the police who could have allegations of stealing Fort Knox later, but to protect you, who could have Fort Knox in your car and it will not come up missing while under control of the tow company....

    Make sense?

  4. Generally, "Yes".

    They may call it an inventory search, to make sure you do not claim later that something was stolen out of the car.

  5. If they want to, basically. I've been in this situation and the cops didn't search the car.  

  6. "probable cause "

  7. Yes. When a police officer stops you are pretty much under arrest. No saying you will go to jail, just the police officer has the right to keep you where you are. Once the car is impounded he does have the full right to search the vehicle, for safety reasons. Just like when they take someone for being 51-50 they did not do anything illegal they just need to search their person and belongs that they bring with them.  

  8. In Australia, they can search it for any old reason. And they do!

  9. Sure, it's in their custody so they don't have to ask permission. If you break one law for one reason, it can lead to police discovering evidence on other laws you've broken.

  10. don't they need a warrant?

  11. any impounded vehicle can legally be searched.

  12. Yes, but to be safe, they should get a warrant to search it.  It is permissible to search your car without a warrant to make certain there is nothing dangerous in it

  13. Yup. Once they impound it, they can claim they had to search it for their own safety - to make sure you don't have any explosives or such in there.


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