
Can the post office lose my mail?

by Guest58072  |  earlier

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because i had sent a letter to Chicago from Oklahoma a week and a half ago but they still have not received it. What do I do if they really had lost it?




  1. of course they can!

    The post office has a monopoly over letters like the one you sent, why wouldn't they give you an attitude and then loose your letter?

    Where else are you gonna go?

    That is why they keep raising prices too.

    By law the post office cannot make a profit... smells funny right?

    What you can do is first pray, then find your receipt or any proof you have that you mailed that letter then go to the post office when they are not very busy and be extra nice and brown nosey.

    Ask the envious mediocrity who you speak to "how are you?" before stating your problem.

  2. Yes, mail gets lost sometimes.

    If they lost it, you hope that it shows up again sometime.

    Hopefully, it's just a weird delay.  I've had things take 3 times longer than they were supposed to take to get to their destination - but so far, they've eventually shown up.

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