
Can the ppl at lgbt help me???

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ok here's the thing Im bisexual but havnt come out to every1 in my year yet only a few ppl know and I recently left my ex and a week on she was on msn and started to talk to me as if she was my best friend and obviously I had to play along and talk to her otherwise it wd get even more awqward, she then started using the word g*y in negative ways like saying she had a g*y weekend or something. (she knows I'm bi) then she invited me into a convo with a friend of hers who was really having a go at me cos I left her he than started calling ms a homo, ****** etc and said that I left her because I wanted to I out with another boy in my year. I'm scared she told every1 and I won't find out untill I get back to school on Wednesday

Basically I wanted to know if you think she told him and what I should do if every1 finds out, I'm just not ready for every1 to know especially not that way. And I just wanted help andniv got used to the people in this section being really friendly, well every1 except 1 little girl




  1. yeah i bet there's a chance you'll have to come out. just remember what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

    good luck, and its really not that bad to be bi or have everyone know you're bi...people probably won't even care that much especially if you keep your head up like you don't care if they care.

  2. Sounds like she at the very least told him. Hopefully she had the courtesy to not tell everyone she knew, but...Good luck. I'd prepare for the worse and figure you're probably going to have to come out. Pray for the best though. Good luck.

  3. She could have said something but it's not for sure. You can only hope not. I would say deny it but, it's not worth lying. Well, I just hope that she didn't say anything.

    I wouldn't worry too much. Don't stress it. If she did, just brush it off!

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