
Can the public blame the AFL for Miami Vice ?

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What do others think ? Does contact sport breed anger and retreating from common decency off the arena ??




  1. No - 95 per cent of AFL footballers, of all levels of skill, are average blokes taking advantage of their sports prowess to make a short career into a good foundation for life, and the wine women and song addiction of Mr Carey is the result of his personal glitches rather than his sports ability - he'd be the same if he were Joe the plumber, just a bit less newsworthy. We all have a brother in law, workmate or client who would behave like Carey if he could.

    And Demetriou himself, and his colleagues, are publicly at least squeaky clean.

    You could go the other way and say does AFL breed good humoured, courageous, considerate and tolerant men like Archer, Peter Bell, Nigel Smart, Mike Fitzpatrick, Simon Madden and Mark Thompson, all long time champions, and there are tons more like them than like "Wayne Kerr."

  2. Wayne Carey is a full of himself wanker.  Always has been, always will be.  

    When North Melbourne used to play games in Canberra, Carey and his friends tried to get into the bar I used to work at, thinking they could by pass the queue.  The doorman told them to line up like everybody else.  They kicked up a stick, but the doorman wouldn't budge.  What made it worse for their fragile little egos is, the doorman hated football and football players.  So he didn't know who Carey was at all.

    I think they all went away like the little sooks they are.  

    Carey's a wanker.  So I hope he gets thrown in gaol for being an immature little boy.

  3. I had to think about this question and compare it to boxing, for example,or a combat soldier. These guys never really come down from the hype that they are indoctrinated into.  Possibly a testosterone thing.

    We often see how retired boxers go off the rails when their  fight days are over.

    This happens with many retired, or soon to be retired AFL players, especially when injuries force them  out of their passion abruptly.

    Yes, I think that the AFL are partly to blame for not debriefing a player in readiness for a life change away from a rough contact sport.

    There will always be thugs in the game, and they should be given their marching orders very early in their career, to set the standard for  young recruits  who may get mislead and think it's OK, and all part of being a superstar.

  4. My opinion is.....they are still normal people with normal reactions to their emotions.

  5. absolutely not - you cant blame the AFL for a former players irresponsible behavior!

    The problem with Carey is that he let off steam ON the field and since retiring he obviously doesn't have an outlet (other than on other people) to release built up stress and anger.

    He needs to see a therapist quick smart!

  6. I play in a local league and find AFL to be a pressure release, mentally and to a larger degree physically. It is one of the major reasons I still play. AFL footballers may use the game as a pressure release but ultimately its up to the individual to maintain common decency. They are under intense scrutiny daily and must have to put up with countless Richard Heads any time they go out

  7. Let's hope he stays in Miami....

    then our women will be safe.

  8. Most players can seperate the on field from the off field, the ones that can't seem to do it are the ones who make the AFL look bad.

    It's a shame, on the field we love to see them in action, professional athletes trying to win a Football game. But the ones that turn it into a Miami Vice as you said give our game a bad name.

  9. Wayne Carey is to blame with his audition for the part in a new charged for bad acting.

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