
Can the rainforest fix itself? or can't it?

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i have to do a power-point fro science about the rainforest and need to know if it can or can't fix its-self and what contributes? so if you can help thank you so much and oh its has to be a fact and for real (true). ThANK YOU!




  1. it probably would if you just left it for a while instead of cutting it all down

  2. A rain forest can partially repair itself.

    A rain forest is a large collection of trees in a tropical climate that harbors many species of plants and animals.  If the trees are cut down they can grow back.  If the animals are rendered extinct then they CAN'T come back.

    In the Amazon Rain Forest a lot of the rain forest is being clear cut, burned and the ground turned over to growing crops.  The plants and animals that lived there are either killed off or no longer have a place to live and so become endangered.

    That is why it is important to stop the loss of the rain forests NOW.  Each day we stand the chance of losing a creature or a plant; some we don't even know exist.

    In the movie "Medicine Man" a doctor living in the rain forest discovers the cure for cancer in the secretions of an ant that lives there.  Other life forms are the source for most of our medical antibiotics and chemical cures.  Penicillin is a product of bread mold.  If we lose those species in the Rain Forest then we risk losing the potential benefit of those plants and animals.

    The Rain Forests are a great source of oxygen and if they are destroyed then the increasing population of animals (humans) are going to have a hard time trying to breath.  Not only that they are natural consumers of CO2 and so work to prevent Global Warming, destroying the Rain Forest is a very bad idea.

    Nature is strong and can bounce back when it is attacked, but if it is pushed too far then species die off and are lost forever.

  3. Of course it can fix itself, just not on the human timescales on which we're destroying it.  This is the essence of nearly all human-caused environmental problems.

  4. takes alot of time

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