I'll start with the basics first. My son is 7 years old, in the first grade. An only child until February of 2007.
Sometime around the end of last year/beginning of this year, my son's teacher told my husband and I during the first parent-teacher conference of the school year that she wanted us to consider having our son tested for ADD/ADHD. She said that she noticed that he could be hyperactive at times, and sometimes appeared to have difficulty in concentrating or staying focused on a task, so she was concerned that it would effect his academics later on. We agreed and he was tested at school.
The test results came back (T.O.V.A., I believe), and from what we were able to gather from the results, he tested in or above the "normal" range . The test facilitator said that how he tested did not indicate ADD/ADHD, but did say that it was possible that he was simply a gifted child, but bored with his studies.
A few months later (end of February/beginning of March), my son's teacher called me at home to tell me that she was still concerned with my son's hyperactivity and his bouts of inattentiveness. She said that she wanted to have him tested again, because she felt that his test scores were not an accurate representation because he was sick at the time he tested the first time. I told her that I felt that perhaps it was a little too soon to have him tested again--largely because he said that he felt that he was being tested because he was "stupid" or something was "wrong" with him--but I told her that I was willing to have him tested again towards the end of the school year or at the start of the next school year if issues persisted.