
Can the size of a seed affect the plants size and growth?

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Can the size of a seed affect the plants size and growth?




  1. To a certain extent. The seed is designed to provide enough nutritional resources to the organism so that it can sprout photosythentic leafy bits and therefore start producing it's own energy. The larger the seed, the more resources it has to help it sprout in the first place.

    After it's sprouted the seed, whether it is large or small, is redundant and therefore it doesn't affect size and growth. These factors are then determined by the nature of the plant itself (whether it is an equilibrial or opportunistic species) as well as biotic factors (light, water, nitrogen, phosphorous, co2).

  2. Yes, but you can't exactly state that a larger or smaller seed size will affect the speed of initial growth or the final size of the plant.  In some species, a smaller seed will allow a quicker initial burst of growth, where a larger seed will contribute to a larger plant.

  3. all i know is---a little acorn makes a mighty oak tree

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