
Can the special education programs be offered only at school or other places as well?

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Can the special education programs be offered only at school or other places as well (give resources to help)




  1. You are referring to the Least Restrictive Environment.  Special education services are offered along a continuum of choices, with the general education setting being the first place considered.  As each one is sequentially ruled out on the list, there must be a rationale based on the child's reasonably accommodated needs and the disruption caused in the classroom.  This decision, like all else, must be individualized.

    1. Regular education setting

    2. Regular ed with resource pull-out

    3. self-contained setting

    4. self-contained setting in an alternative day school

    5. self-contained setting in a residential setting

    The list is not exhaustive.  

    So, special education services are offered in a wide array of locations, but the choice must be justified by well-defined statute and case law.  It is not required that every school offer every service.  Regional schools for lower-incidence disabilities are just fine.  This is a complex area of law, and this is a general answer.  If your question is more specific, feel free to update your question.

  2. It depends on which programs you are referring to. Speech therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy can also be received in the clinic setting as well. These can usually be charged to your medical insurance (coverage varies depending on your insurance) or to medical assistance. There are also programs out there to help you pay for these services.

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