As a child, I had a squint in my left eye which was corrected by glasses, an operation at the age of 4 and several years of eye exercises. After this treatment, my parents were told that my sight was perfect and glasses were no longer needed. When I was about 20, I noticed that my sight was very poor in my right eye (in the eye test, I couldn't read any part of the chart with this eye). I put off going for an eye test for about ten years because my left eye seemed normal and I reckoned that my sight was fine with just one good eye. I didn't want to pay for glasses which I had no intention of wearing (how wrong I was - the improved vision with glasses was something of a revelation). After I started wearing glasses, my left eye deteriorated quite rapidly although it is still much stronger than my right. I have often wondered whether the squint treatment strengthened my left eye at the expense of the right. Despite my initial reluctance, I like wearing glasses now.