
Can the weather effect how people act (their attitude)?

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also, what other things in nature could effect how people act?




  1. There's a condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD, for short). It causes depression, particularly in the winter when the weather is cloudy, cold, and, overall, depressing. That's why a lot of people are happier when it is sunny and warm outside.

  2. Most definitely.  A cloudy day will make people feel like not doing much, staying inside, dwelling on sadness, or a blah attitude, whereas the sun will enhance our moods, feel happy, because the sun is full of "happiness rays" that our bodies need. Also, a full moon, will affect the body of Lots of people, sensitive people, deep down psychologically, especially a woman on her period, will heighten the pain and emotionally traumatize those who are Very sensitive.  These things need to be taken into consideration, when we come across moody people when the weather affects them.

  3. yeah, like on a cloudy day, i'll feel like s h i t and not want to wake up and get ready to go to school. then i wont do so good in class.

    another thing is hurricanes, and floods, if you see that on TV you'll feel sad and feel for them.

      but that only like last a couple of minutes.

    OHHHHHHHh heres one, if a baby animal is born , like, at a zoo or sometihng youll feel happy, i guess . casue its born and cute? i have no idea what i just wrote it sounded good in my head..that happends a lot. =]

  4. yes

  5. Absolutely.  There is a much less impact on a population that experiences a consistent weather pattern, than on one who has acclimated to a certain pattern, and it changes, quickly.  It has to do with food production, and fuel availability.  No water, no food without irrigation.  Many nations are controlled by totalitarian despots, who appropriate dietary issues from other nations, and sell them to anyone who will pay the price.  Somalia, Chad, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Congo, Sudan, and other nations who are experiencing the deprivation from drought.  As well, these folks are also victims of rampant diseases.  My answer is for more fortunate nations to simply liquidate these mentally ill despots.  You know, assassinate. Good riddance.  I am not a liberal liberal.

  6. Yes the weather can effect someones attitude but only if they let it.

    Reactive people tend to let it effect them, so when the weather is dull, they start to have a dull outlook of the day ahead.

    It's better to be proactive person.

    I think everything in nature can affect how people act... its all in the mind really.

    how you think = how you feel = how you act

    hope i helped :)


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