
Can the women of America be satisfied with the fact that a woman is in charge of Argentina?

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And that she is doing a great job of running that country into the ground?




  1. i don't think the women of America are crying for argentina.

  2. That's nice. My concern at the moment isn't Argentina. My concern is the plan Republicans have to further the destruction of THIS country. And now they are planning to put women back to a 19th century status.

  3. Obviously not. Did you see the uproar and tears when Clinton lost? Besides Argentina is not America. They both start and end with A's so at least you were close.

  4. As an American woman, why should I care?  That's the Argentinians' business, not mine.

    I don't vote (or like or dislike) politicians based on their gender.  Margaret Thatcher was female, and she was a disaster.  Paul Wellstone was a man, and he was a wonderful leader.  RIP.

  5. "women of america" have always been proud of other women's accomplishments.

    Just because some women don't support Palin, it has nothing to do with sexism. Some women simply don't agree with her being selected.

    Women had no problem supporting Hillary. they voted for her, respected her and believed in her.

    These are 2 different women.

    Palin doesn't automatically get the female vote just because McCain picked her and she has a v****a.

    Palin has to earn support just like Hillary and all politicians do - she just hasn't been on the scene very long and wasn't nominated by the people to this VP slot.

  6. One of the greatest leaders of the past 40 years was a woman

    Margaret Thatcher

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