
Can the world still exist without the United States of America?

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Let's say that the United States of America suddenly disappeared from the map and it just suddenly no longer exists. How would that impact the rest of the world? Could the world still maintain stability? Please take into account the world economy, resources, social stability etc.




  1. Yes! Itll be better off even.

  2. It would depend on where David Suzuki was at the time.

  3. Think of it this way. No, because U.S. is to big of a world power that other countrys would die  without the U.S. It would be just like after the roman empire fell! Retards would be EVERYWHERE! Because of the trade that takes between us and all the money that flows in and out of the U.S.  I know to some of you this sounds sad. But think of some of the good thing that the U.S. does. We aren't bad people. We merely try to help everyone at once and bring democracy to others.(we try to hard, but would it be better if we were just an isolated country like North Korea. And had thos lovely nukes at our disposel?) But the problem with this is that democracy must be earned! One can not appreciate it without earning it. So others form a bad opinion of us and assume that one american is the same as another. And if you do think that then you need to be educated to have the vail of ignorance lifted from your eyes.

  4. Yes it could. We are like a giant time bomb waiting to go off, Because of the U.S.A. All of the resources would be fine cuz most of the recourses we get from over seas. Without the usa we wouldnt have to get involved in wars and kill kill kill. The economy would not do as well but still grow. Those trade countries would just have to find to trade partners. The social stability would do fine other countries can now branch out without the U.S.A. All in all it would be like nothing happened.

  5. Of course it could. The U.S. of A. isn't the centre of the universe.

  6. offcourse it would.... this has got the be the dumbest question iv seen on yahoo so far in my short time here.... what kind of a question is that????...... and for the one answer that said we have the #1 army... have you heard of the country RUSSIA, ther army is untouchable, they dump all ther money into their military(who knows why??), when half their country is in poverty, we do not have the #1 army, we cant even resolve issues in samll countries such as vietnam and countries that ave no armies such as iraq... cmon please

  7. We need the american population to Destroy the new world order that is taking over,

  8. lots of high ground as the ocean would be lower.therfore there would be more land for them to develope. how ever , if the would is another senario entirely. and if nuclear power would be an issue ... yada yada yada ... . if if if if if ...

  9. ofcorce it can america is not the only contry.

  10. No. Half of world's wealth will dissapear either.Jobs in the Europe and all over the world will be cutted down. Loads of complications. No good.

  11. Well... given the fact that I live in Texas, U.S.A., dude...

    MY world sure as sheet can't exist without it...

    And I never thought I'd say this on this website and REALLY mean it, but...

    God Bless the "Good Ole' U. S. of Friggin Ay!"

    Hee Hee...

  12. The world would be able to exist, but in your scenario, there would be a gaping whole in the world economy among other things.  If the US were to suddenly disappear, many companies would lose part of their consumer base, and would thus need to struggle to regain previous stability.  Some areas in the world may take a hit in the social stability, especially in areas currently being largely influenced by the US (such as Iraq, as a military group in conflict would suddenly leave the other military group unopposed).

    The world would be able to regain stability, though it may take years.

  13. The world could exist w/out the US. It would, however, be much more difficult as countries are constantly importing and exporting things from and to the US, which acts as money to the foreign importers and essential goods to the foreign importers from the US -- stuff like food, raw materials (plastic, rubber, etc.), etc.

  14. just blow up bush nd i love usa

  15. There was no USA like a few centuries ago and the world existed and I bet it was safer!!!!

  16. Exist? Sure, but the other countries are sure going to miss us the first time they have a disaster or are in need of help.

    Thing is, if we cease to exist, our aid, support, exports, resources, inventions, colleges, jobs, all cease to exist as well.

    I know we have problems, but doesn't every country? Why do we have immigrants from every country in the world living, working, attending college, raising families here if we are so bad?

  17. Yes Beacuse That means no more warriors to Iraq!Beside America Is a Dumb Country Anyways

  18. If it did or could happen; the rest of the world wouldn't know who to call every time they needed help.  There would be a huge emptiness in everyone hearts down to their souls.

    It would probably destroy the rest of the world...heaven forbid.

    But, Thank God that God is in control.  AMEN.

  19. The world would be fine, they were 7000 years before the states, There would be a gap, but those voids would be quickly filled.

  20. NO

  21. Assuming that there's no succesor state to the United States of America, also the entire area and population of the United States of America just disappeared (to another dimension?) making them unuseable and the United States of America can't be revive (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic for example, can still be revive right now and actually still exist in a different form).

    A few days (like 3 to 5 days) of confusion will happen, but then a week to a few weeks later things will stabilize and things will back to normal.

    While it's correct that there will be a period of instability (like wars, panic, etc), it will be relatively quite short.

    Personally, I doubt that it would took as long as far as years, since the era instability would be relatively quite short. It's most probable though in years, most people will forget the U.S.A. even exist in the first place (unless the mass media continuously remind the world's population).

    While the U.S.A. is a big and respectable country, people tend to overestimate its importance. Besides, the U.S.A.'s foreign policy tend be dictated more by foreign interest than its own self interest, so even if it's gone, another country will be used instead in its place.

    Anyway. The businesses that was done by the U.S.A. previously, will probably be pased down to the following countries:

    Financially (stock market, foreign exchange, etc) wise: U.K.., China, European Union, Japan.

    Military wise: China, Russia, India, Indonesia, Brazil, European Union.

    Resources wise: Russia, China, Indonesia, Brazil.

    Space program wise: China, Russia, India, Indonesia, Brazil, European Union, Japan.

    Personally, the U.N.O. probably had to elect either India or Indonesia as the permanent member of the security council to replace the U.S.A.. Of the two, Indonesia is much closer to resemble the U.S.A.. Even if India was the one elected, Indonesia still gonna be play a role anyway.

  22. america is a small part of global population ,what are you on about

  23. This may come as a surprise to alot of Americans, but yes...the rest of the world will continue to grow and flourish.

    The only ones it would really affect in the end, are the people living in the USA.


  25. I don't really know

  26. No, the USA is way to imporant. Financial speaking, me thinkies the USA has already died as everyone one is getting away from the green back to the safety of gold. Say if USA didn't exist china wouldn't have all your debt and the Asian markets wouldn't be as strong. That terrible recession won't mean anything as there won't be a USA.

    Culturally it would be a massive loss to our celebrity obsessed ways, there be a heck of a lot less consumers out there and would dramatically effect global economies as the USA consumes so many different goods : luxury, chocolate, alcohol, oil, foodstuffs. All economies that are supported by exports to USA would be stuffed.

    Of course the world will still stability! yes, there are 5.75 billion people out there that aren't American!

    Either way a thought provoking question.

  27. ** I guess not

  28. I think yes the world would do fine. Maybe even a little happy I bet. We're going to be having World War 3 here a in a few years so it wouldn't surprise me if the USA does get wiped of the face of the planet! And if McCain makes it for president of the USA "which I highly doubt but the election might be rigged" we can kiss our butts goodbye!

  29. The other countries would step up and fill the void although there would be a significant loss of stability, especially militarily... you would see an increase in military spending around the globe as countries who currently don't need a real military for protection (read: Japan, Taiwan) would suddenly have to fend for themselves.  Iraq would either succumb to Iranian influence or split into three separate countries.  Speaking of Iran, with no USA to pester them, Iran would step up nuclear weapons development and then blow Israel to smithereens, unless Israel did it to them first.  The ensuing clusterf*ck would severely impact global politics.

  30. i would hope considering we have such an awful president i hope nobody is leaning to hard on us if u know wat i mean

  31. the world would be a much better place without usa

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