
Can their be an engagment during ramadan ?

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Can their be an engagment during ramadan ?




  1. if it is simple done in home then okk other wise no

  2. No, it's a time for bomb-making and washing your head rag.

  3. Dear,

    Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

    In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    That's a very Good Deeds having Engagement Ceremonies in the month of Ramadan. Chief of the Islamic months. It's only an ENGAGEMENT and not NIKAH. The Engagement in the Daytime. Therefore there no feast in the day. Everybody (The Muslims) are Fasting. Maybe the FEAST shall be done after the Sunnah Tarawikh Prayers.

    Wabillahhitaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

  4. Yes, but it isn´t proven to be sunnah, to single only ramadaan out to make a nikkah. It is allowed and i would recommend to make the nikkah as soon as possible, and not just wait untill ramadaan has started.

      note: The fiancé is a “stranger” (non-mahram) to his fiancée until the marriage contract is done, so during the engagement period (in this example Ramadaan) it is not permissible for him to be alone with her, shake hands with her or go out with her, rather he is like any other stranger.

    @ Medina: party isn´t allowed in Ramadaan, when it involves haraam, like mixing genders, music etc, but if this happen than the party is also outside ramadaan not allowed... Otherwise insha Allaah ghair.

  5. By engagement do you mean Nikkah or a big party with dancing and partying?

    In that case, the first one WOULD be permissable but not the second.


    oops i thought permissable means not allowing, but now looking it up it means permitted.

    lol sorry

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