
Can there be a death penalty case without a body?

by Guest61636  |  earlier

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Say there is all kinds of evidence that a person is no longer among the living, and all the evidence points to 1 person i.e. signs there was a decomposing body in the trunk of that persons car. Legally, can that person receive the death penalty if a body was never found.




  1. Yes. If you can get the jury to believe they did it. More than likely thoe it will probably get held up for years cause the defense will probably send more and more evidence in to keep them from receiving death.

  2. Yes.

  3. Yes.

    Its happened before.

  4. Yes it's possible

  5. As long as a person has been legally declared dead (body or not) murder charges can be brought.

  6. Your talking about the Caylee Anthony case. I live around Orlando so I am farmiliar about it.

    People here say that it has happened before, and it probably has. I know other court cases stated that a body had to be found in order to prosecute someone for murder, that evidence leading to a person's death wasn't enough as having evidence that they are dead. I don't know, but if Caylee is deceased I hope they find her soon, and who ever is responsible (mother) is convicted and tried.

  7. It's happened.  

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