
Can there be a spirit in my house?

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Sometimes I just feel like I'm being watched in my house and it just makes me feel nervous. It's hard for me to sleep in my room without the light on because I hear all these clicking noises and can't decide what's real or not. Then yesterday I walked into the family room and my cat was acting strange. She was on the couch but was like pawing around the air and seemed ok at first and was just looking all over the room and seemed kind've scared. Then she just got up and ran down to the basement. I know I didn't scare her, I was just wondering if it's possible or most likely my imagination.




  1. Oh, you got a company in a spirit form.  All you got to do is play nice music.  Then put a high pitched chime on top corner of your front door so that everytime someone enters, the chime will ring and it will activate the good spirit inside your home.

    I hope you will do these.  For at home, I also happened to have a companion and it helped me get a fork which I took suspended in the air as if it was hanging tied with a cobweb.  All I did was to say thank you :)

    I am sure you are more secured with that good spirit. GOD BLESS.

  2. Probably not a ghost but if you feel uncomfortable burn cedar and sage incense for a while. Your cat is likely just playing.

    Try calming music while you are sleeping like Enya.

  3. It is definitely your imagination.

    Spirits don't exist.  

  4. There could be a spirit in your home, but it could also just be an overactive imagination.  Hard to tell sometimes.  I like what the first answerer said about playing soothing music when you feel scared.  Enya is great to calm your nerves.

  5. Clicking noise?

    Oh dear another example of NOT checking for structural defects?!

    Have some one check there are no insect or other bug or animal colonies in the spaces between the walls or in any other cavities, roof or ground!

    You may also have a problem with something being loose some where maybe a cable or wire or pipe moving in a draught?

    Your cat may be reacting to ultrasonic or infrasonic vibrations you can not hear coming from their nest.

    Please People

    Do not presume strange noises are caused by ghosts.

    In most cases they are a sign you have some kind of structural default!

    When ALL possible physical causes have been eliminated THEN and only then should you start thinking about paranormal causes?

  6. Yes, the spirit is watching you! Beware! !

  7. You certainly could have a spirit in your house and animals do seem to respond to them.  Spirits come and go all the time.  I wouldn't be afraid, most are absolutely harmless.  I'm sure all will be back to normal in no time.

  8. Spirits do exist,they are people that have died but there spirits stay because of unfinished buisness[such as:wanting to say goodbye to someone,being angry at someone,or making a promise to someone]and they try to finish their buisness by making noises and moving stuff around to get your attention.They probably just want to get you to do something for them.I suggest you get a tape recorder[so you can hear the spirt talk]and ask he/she/it quistons aloud and then try and do what it wants you to do.After that its soul may rest in peace.

  9. Burn some sage. It might work it might not but its worth the a shot.

  10. its probably ur imagination. try get ur mind of a scary subject or tell someone and bless the house or something lol

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