
Can there be peace between the Rock section and rap section?

by  |  earlier

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I come as a rep of RHH offering peace between the two. Deal?




  1. Ok, but there will always be someone trolling every section, so you just are going to have to deal with stuff like that.

  2. I hate these idiot LP fans, why do they hate Rap? LP is nu-metal, they're insulting LP that way. They make the real LP fans look bad.

    Well, anyway I think it's safe to say there will always be peace between R&P regs and R&HH regs. There will always be idiot non regs trolling into these sections, it's something we have to deal with.

  3. I'm willing to deal.  If this means another Rage Against the Machine, it's fine with me.

  4. No because we have to many racist people in this world. :].

  5. Yeah....I think we should all Give Peace A Chance :)

    We all come to Y!A because we love music. And that's what the R&P and RHH section have in common. We're not so different. There are just some ignorant jerks out there who think all rap is is screaming about money and girls, and think rock is just bashing on guitar and screaming as loud as you can into a mic. Don't listen to them.

  6. obviously not, because one of you rock minions (guy with TC badge) just came into our section attempting to clown us

    plus we get atleast 10 boards a day from you rock ppl saying 'why do you listen to rap? its not music" we never do that to you so its clear you guys are unaccepting of change

  7. Too many racist people

  8. i didn't know there was a fight lol. but yeah don't worry i'm not gonna start trolling on RHH

  9. I doubt it, people are too ignorant and s****., but I'm personally up for it.

  10. As a matter of fact, I made a question not long ago on this topic. I'm a member of R&P, and every now and then I see this prejudice comments on hip-hop is c**p and they are all about guns and hoes. You can't mention the word rap or hip-hop without getting 50 thumbs down. I get offended because I'm a huge fan of hip-hop too (the underground mainly: The Roots, Wu-Tang Clan, Public Enemy, Immortal Technique). Its so ridiculous. Its ok if you don't like hip-hop, but calling it names and saying "its all about the guns" when you hate it enough to not even listening to it, disgusts me. Hip-hop kicks ***, you just gotta look past the mainstream c**p like Flo rida and Soulja Boy and dig deeper. Thanks man for pointing this out again!

  11. i love everyone at RHH.

    i mean yeah, my old account got suspended because of a question i posted there, but it was my own fault.

  12. I'd like to. I have just asked a question in Rap & HipHop about mainstream artists and I think I have put the flame on many people... I think that rock&pop should ask a few questions about Rap artists and rap&hiphop people should come here to ask questions about Rock and Pop artists. This way, everyone shall find peace and respect other genres. What do you think of my idea?

    EDIT: The Top Contributor who asked this question is a friend and he only wanted to joke around. Many do that to the Celebrities section, because of the Jonas Brothers...

  13. if by "peace", you mean  wicked awesome collaborations, then yes, there can be peace.

  14. h**l Yeah dude!!!

  15. The REAL representatives of R&P are most likely all up for it. I know I am. But the stupid people that troll RHH aren't well-recieved here usually.

    So, I'm up for it.

  16. Sure but I'm not the Problem. As long as there are idiots around there will be Y!A Section Feuds, unfortunately.

  17. Ignore the people saying rap sucks and that there can't be peace. R&P does not associate with idiots like them.

    and I didn't know there was a fight actually. lol but cool

  18. No wayy!! their both from diffrent world. Rap will NEVER be as good as rock!

  19. f*ck rap.

    its stupid it makes no sense and every rap song sounds the same

  20. Yes and no. Yes I can try, but will insult if a troll, or Rap and Hip Hop contributor comes in and insults us (it has happened in the past). And no, meaning there will never be peace, no matter how hard the regulars will try, we have no control of anyone here in Y!A, and other trolls will make new accounts to start fights again.

    But I'm not for any side truly.

  21. Uhhh, I promise to stay out, as I have throughout all my months on Y!A?

  22. Never.As long as people make accusations such like "O your music isnt really music" and **** like that then no.We must accept that what we dont like is still music and many other people out there like it for what it is.Many bands/rappers have made attempts to merge the two sects together making tracks and whole albums together.I believe its not enough and when people realize just because you dont like it doesnt make it music.Also stereotypes must go.Not all people who listen to rap buy 200$ sneakers and talk slang and not all people who listen to rock are hardcore rockheads,satanists and they dont all cut themselves.When we move past this there will be peace among the sects.

  23. UGH. are you nuts?

    rap isnt music.

    and people who listen to rap buy hundred dollar sneakers (when you can get good sneakers for under $20), show them off bragging about how much they were, do everything they can not to crease/get them dirty (when thats what shoes are FOR), and then yell at you in some wierd language when you accidently step on them.

    f*ck that sh*t. this war wont end.

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