
Can there be permanent eye damage from major extended use of contacts over time?

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I have been wearing contacts for about 10 years, I now currently wear Acuvue Oasis w/ hydroclear which you are allowed to sleep in, and they are bi-weekly's. I wear these "2 week contacts" for between 3-5 months till they become uncomfortable, for the last 5 or 6 years, I DO NOT take them out and I do not clean them at all, I wear them for 3 or 4 months, sleeping in them and not taking them out to clean them, I've done this for a long time now. Do you think this could hurt my vision, my vision has gotten worse over time, but nothing out of the ordinary, Any thoughts please?




  1. Yes, and you will have done some.

    It may not be critical damage as yet,. but you will almost certainly have killed off large numbers of corneal endothelial cells, which are never replaced.

    You have millions of spare ones, so the loss is often not immediately apparent, but it can store up trouble for future years, leading to corneal exhaustion syndrome (and the inability to wear *any* contacts) or even more severe problems as an outside risk.

    (such as poor results shoud intraocular surgery ever be required)

    This is apart from the increased risk of infections and corneal ulcers.

    Did you know you can save money by driving till there's no tread on your tires?  There, too, you can get away with it right up to the moment when you don't.

  2. Well, it looks like you are doing everything that they tell you not to. I am sure that they make those rules for a reason. Not cleaning them....LIKE EVER! a really big issue. If your vision is getting worse, it is probably not because of wearing contacts for a long is because of not using them like you should.

  3. Yes you can do permanent damage.  I have a sixteen  year-old patient with permanent vision loss due to scarring of the cornea from abusing contact lenses.  If you wait until the contacts become uncomfortable, damage is already being done.  Think of it like change your underwear at the recommended intervals, don't you?  You don't wear the same crusty pair for months on end without cleaning them, do you?  Bacteria live in and around the eye....they are living creatures who create waste, if you know what I mean.    By never cleaning your lenses you are allowing an excess of bacterial waste to accumulate.  Frankly, I don't want an eyeful of excess bacterial p**p.  

    With Acuvue Oasys, you are supposed to change them every 2 weeks if you wear them daily, cleaning them every night.  If you sleep in them, you should dispose of them weekly.  Please, please, please take better care of your eyes.

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