
Can there be side effects from a REALLY fast heartbeat??

by  |  earlier

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well last night, i was so scared, more then i have ever been in my life, and my heart was beating SO fast,

at first i thought that if i got up, i would vomit, that didn't happen.

and then i started feeling really sick ,sorta like with my heart area

and my breathing did become laboured??

i was wondering, if that actaully is possible reaction to an exceedingly fast heartbeat??or if it might be something else??

and also, what other (if there Can ) side effects to fast heatbeat are there?




  1. You could turn into the hulk.

    But in all seriousness, it could lead to a heart attack. I think what you were experiencing was a side effect to the adrenaline rush that comes with being scared.

    ~The Otaku Twins~

  2. Your age and other health conditions might influence this answer better, but a fast heart rate (tachycardia) itself is not extremely dangerous, unless it were to continue for a long time and turn into something else such as atrial fibrillation (where your heart does not beat rhythmically) The sick feeling is a side effect of the fast rate however, because the body releases adrenaline, which influences the heart rate itself. You might want to seek a medical evaluation and have an EKG done to determine the status of your heart, and rule out any other possible reasons. Take care!

  3. Side effects of a really fast heart rate could be a heart attack.

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