
Can there ever be global unification to oppress China and free Tibet?

by Guest45519  |  earlier

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As part of the UN, can the participating countries band together to help free tibet? Can the world in turn opress China on the issues of Tibet? What would be the consequences of our actions and what could we make China's consequences be if demands of freeing Tibet are not met? Can it be done where all parties can agree to allow Tibet to become a solitary and unified country free from Chineese opression?




  1. NEVER! China will invade india within the next 10 to 15 years why would they ever free tibet plus the worlds economy would fall apart overnight!

  2. We shouldn't fight oppression with oppression. The thing is that Tibet has been part of China for so long and Chinese people have been moving into Tibet, so today's Tibet isn't what the Dali Lama left.

    While it's easy to demonize the Chinese, remember that there are ethnic Han people living in Tibet and they are patriotic Chinese and just normal people not evil storm troopers.

    When are we going to free the Navajo? The US isn't as innocent as we'd like to think. When should we look at a situation and say the past is the past and we're going to deal with the situation as it exists right now? Or should we give Nevada and New Mexico back to the Navajo, Utah to the Sioux, and the Dakotas to the Dakotas?

    (Yes, I'm s******g up their ancestral lands, but I hope you get the point.)

  3. Probably not, there are too many pansies out there that think we can all just get along.

    Also China is a perminant member of the security council with the power to veto any resolution.

  4. WOW...i have had enough with this Free Tibet c**p.  Freakin talk to someone from Tibet...they do not want to be free.  They do not understand why so many people around the world push for them to be free.  I have been to Tibet...spoken with people from Tibet...they don't want independence.  They want better lives...but if they were independent from China...their quality of living would go WAY down.  Leave them alone.

  5. It has been said that you could march 1000 Chinese Soldiers into the sea every day and their population would grow.  

    I doubt it can be done, free Tibet.....

  6. Look we can't trust or rely on the UN for anything...... We had to invade Iraq ourselves to take out Saddam Hussein.

  7. And No... they will probably back out of the UN and start another war because the rest of us tried to bully them.  

  8. The answer to your question, unfortunately, is almost certainly no.

    None of the so-called United Nations have shown the slightest inclination to do as you suggest. China, now, is too big a market, with too great investment opportunities (and opportunities for corruption and theft) to be at all concerned about what a small minority think.

    The only chance Tibet has to be free (Tibet has never been truly free at any time in it's history.) is if the whole of China becomes a truly free democracy and Tibet along with it.

  9. The Chinese are colonizing Tibet with immigrants so quickly, that Tibetans in Tibet will be as common as Indians in the US.

  10. It doesn't fit their goal of "One World Government"  As soon as the world is completely dependant on China, and then China is dependant on Russia for fuel. Russia fuels Eurpe, so Europe is dependant on Russia, and WE ARE SCREWED because we are not allowed to drill our own oil -thanks to Nancy Pelosi and company.  

    The UN is a joke. Its a lie, and their goal is for the "New World Order" (another way of saying the above).  The UN has screwed Africa out of the Oil for Food money -Kofi Anan (or wtf his name is) his son took tons of the money and stuffed it in his pockets. Its still there go check.

    China tortures its people, uses slave labor to produce your TVs, couches, plastic things, cell phones....etc.  Retribution to blacks for slavery!?? They're using all these items that are being made by slaves and children! Hypocricy!  

  11. Ah you hippy same can be said with america and iraq


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