
Can they actually fire employees this way?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my co-worker both have our hair dyed a natural color. Our old employer said as long as it is a natural color (not some mental color like pink, blue or green) it was compliant with company regulations. Now, it seems that when we got bought out, the new company that took over the business has some messed up ideas about how to run it. For example, not only do they scream and cuss at their employees in front of customers but they also said they will fire anyone with dyed hair. I've been trying to grow my hair out but it will take years before it will go back to dirty blonde. So, is there any law prohibiting employers to fire employees because of their hair being dyed? By the way, my coworker re-dyed her hair back to her original pre-grey state so techincally hers is more natural than mine... AND they told HER, not me, that she would get fired!




  1. You need to get a copy of the new company's company guidelines (go to the HR department). The new company's guidelines are the ones you need to follow from now on.

    If they did not give you one or tell them to you, they cannot rightfuly take action against you.

    My company was also bought out and we had to learn all of their rules too.

    Cussing at you is a form of harassment and should NEVER be tolerated. Start with your boss and tell them that you do not appreciated being treated like that. If it does not stop, go to HR.  Document everything, keep copies of all communications (phone, e-mail etc) regarding the subject so that you have proof you acted properly.

    Your company may have an at-will firing policy so they can let you go if  they don't like you making waves. With the proof, though, you have power over them.

  2. Dyed hair? They will fire anyone with a "natural" color of hair?

    I understand they don't want outrageous colors, but if yours isnt , then contact a lawyer

  3. wow, that is definitely some weird ways to run a business. Cussing and screaming at any employee, especially in front of customers is considered harassment and a hostile work environment (at least by me) Besides, cussing isnt the type of language to use at any work place, by anybody...especially really loud. Its unprofessional too.

    As far as that dyed hair thing goes, i dont think they can prove it if its dyed a natural hair color (like black, brown, brunette, etc...) cuz its obvious that you wont be doing it at work and i think its a stupid excuse to fire people over. Also, you should keep anything and everything regarding your termination and/or these weird ideas. If they dont give you anything in writing and/or have everything written down and posted in a place that is viewable by all (like a large poster in the break room or something) then they probably cant make you follow the rules. For one thing, you dont even know what they are.

    You should also look into your state's employment laws and what rights you have as an employee because it kind of varies by state. You probably can file a complaint with your state's department of employment or which ever department handles employement and the laws. You should seriously think about getting a lawyer because you might not have a strong case (i'm no laywer, so i couldnt tell) and make sure you get a good, qualified one that knows what he or she is doing. You could even get other co-workers that have experienced these things to file with you. You guys probably should consult with a good laywers (more than have everybody go consult with different employment lawyers) that specializes in employment law first.

    You probably should start looking for another job too. You and your co-workers dont need to be treated this way. You might also be able to talk to your bosses' managers and show the upper levels that they are creating a bad working environment (try to provide them with an audio recording of your boss yelling and cussing at you or your co-workers and state the date and time) Good luck, and i hope everything works out (i want them to get in trouble too)

  4. if this job actually paid well you should hire a lawyer to look into it.

    but if it doesn't (or you could find other work elsewhere then don't bother]

    I am not saying that the company was right to do that, but would all this trouble be worth it?

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