
Can they deport him?

by  |  earlier

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My friend's 26 he's been here in the UK from Jamaica since he was 11, he has many convictions his last one was crack dealing and he's been in prison since last september, I dont think he has a passport, but he has been here since he was 11, can they deport him, he's currently sercing a 5 year sentence.




  1. Um... no, not at all. Tell him to stay where he is. Someone is on their way to help :)


    Yes, they can if they want to. He is not legal... he has no rights... unless he lived in the US, then he would have plenty for being illegal :)

  2. They will probably make him finish his sentence then deport him.  He commited a crime in the UK (and everywhere else) and he needs to be punished for it then kicked out.

  3. Hear hear jelle

  4. Yes, once his sentence is over.

  5. they should deport him

    why are you friends with a crack dealer?

    these are the worst ppl on this planet

    they supply drugs to sick  individuals

  6. Good riddance.

  7. he should have been a long time ago

  8. I certainly hope so, its about time!

  9. You have asked whether your friend can be deported when he leaves jail. He can be and almost definitely will be. Not only is he a foreigner who has committed a serious crime, which   leads to deportation, he is an illegal immigrant which in itself leads to deportation when discovered. you may have read in the papers a couple of years ago, that the government was in trouble when it was discovered that over a period of years they had failed to deport thousands of foreign prisoners on completion of sentences. That is not happeneing now, as there are special teams to make sure that foreign criminals are released from prison straight to the deportation section of the border agency. Not only that,but tyhey have been hunting for those that were not deported before, and last year sent thousands home. This year they plan to deport even more. now they have made more crimes by foreigners subject to deportation, and hotlines are being set up so the public can report them, especially the drug dealers that are killing our kids..

    If this 'friend' of yours is your boyfriend, I suggest you have a couple of years to make other personal arrangements.Crack dealers have no respect of others, Do yourself a favour and find a new friend.There are plenty of decent people around.

  10. in america u would get deporte as soon as u broke the law

  11. YES!
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