
Can they do this? (parents)?

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Well all i want to know is that can your parents put you in a mental hosptial or what ever you want to call it lol.

My phychiatrist said to my mum that at any time she's worried my mum can put me in hospital.

if she can do this how long would i be in there for.

Im 15 and this all happened because i was selfish and took an overdose.




  1. I would have to say that at any time she puts you in a mental hospital, it wouldnt be for any other reason than that she is scared for you. So I think the only way to stop this from happening is growing up (acting your age) and proving to your mum that you are capable of being responsible and sensible. I dont think they would keep you at the mental hospital for long, unless you were really unstable and thought that you might be in danger of hurting yourself or someone else.

    Just think about how your selfishness would effect your family?? They obviously really care about you, and only want you to be happy and healthy, so think about what you have, not what you dont have.. ok??

    Good luck in the future :)

  2. yes. i had my son put in a lockdown facility against his will. if you are trying to kill yourself you probably need to be there.

  3. Yes,.... If They Think Your Mother Has The Right To Worry (And Most Of The Time They Go With The Parents) When i Was 14 My Mother Sent Me (I'm Thankful Now). How Long You Stay There Is Really Up To Your Docs And You. If You Do What they Ask And All That .... Then Chances Are You wont Be There Long, I Was There For 9 Days (It Took 4 Days For Me To Stop Fighting Them) If You Do Go Just Walk In There Knowing That They Are Really Just Trying To Help You........... You Just Might Come Out A Better Person

  4. Well it seems like she can if the phychiatrist said so. All the best.

  5. well yes they can, especially if it's to protect you , and it seems that if you are over dosing you may need some help.

  6. if you are a threat to yourself or others then yes they can

  7. Yes they can. If your a threat to yourself or others.

    The issue you really have to address is why you took the overdose.

    I took 2, when i was 16, both within 6 weeks of each other, the first time i was taken to the hospital, the second no one even knew.

    Which looking back i was very lucky no one did know, if i'd have been taken to hospital again i know i would have been sectioned by my doctor.

    But yes, parents are able to section their children if it's for your own safety and the safety of others.

  8. Your parents can sign papers to place you into a psychiatric hospital. This happened to me when I was 17 and again when I was over 18, because I was suicidal at the time. She cares and loves you and wants what's best for you. The length of time of you being in the hospital id different for everyone, lasting from a few days to around a year or more. It all depends on the situation and what the doctors and your mom feels is best for you. Take care of yourself.

  9. they cant put u in a mental hospital unless you threaten yourself (suicide ect.)or others

  10. Yes, your parents CAN. They'll put you on a 48 hour observation, and then from there decide if staying will be beneficial to your recovery.  

  11. Gosh, which country do you live in? how can somebody have such views? that's totally immature!

  12. The only way you can be put in a mental hospital against your will is if you are a threat to yourself or others.

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