
Can they hold down kids in a speciel ed school?

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i go to a speciel ed school im perficly normel and it suck's i was wondering if they can hold children down leglely cause i see it every day and im tired of it it's time i do somthin about it but last time i tried i got arestid cause i pushed the teacher off of me please tell me if they have the right to hold down a child and dont make fun of me thanks.




  1. Yes, this is call restraint and it sometimes is necessary. It's odd that you're seeing it "every day," are you sure that you're not exaggerating?

    It is very important that the teachers be trained and implement the restraints properly. I would imagine that is the case.  I've never heard of a teacher who is not trained trying to restrain a child.  Most professionals have the common sense to not do such a thing!  When a teacher performs a restraint he or she will then document the incident.  I would guess that your teachers are more than likely following proper protocol. If you are concerned that they aren't then bring this concern to your parent's attention.

    At no time should a student be held prone (lying down) as this can cause death. There's a case where some prison guards did this and the prisoner asphyxiated (suffocated).

    I am trained in CPI and restraint is only a part of what we learn. A big focus is put on deescalation strategies.

    If you are at an alternative school for emotional behaviors then it's most likely that your behaviors are severe. ('s the way that works!)  Work with your counselor to learn some strategies to avoid getting worked up to the point where restraint becomes necessary.

  2. It depends on what state you live in, but yes, it is generally legally allowable to physically restrain a violent student when necessary. The least restrictive method, which is generally having an adult hold the child, is required.

    If the level of restraint is beyond this, and/or children are being hit, marked or bruised in any fashion, then it is child abuse and needs to be reported to the police and DHFS as soon as possible.

    Please talk to your parents, or another trusted adult, about what's going on. They are the people who are best able to help you right now.

  3. They can. I pulled my son from a school because they were holding when they should have been teaching coping skills to avoid the tantrum in the first place. Holding is lazy and ineffective but they are allowed to do it if they want.

  4. I know it can look terrifying and cruel but you have to realize you do not know all the facts. Many students have an IEP which is a document which all the teachers have signed and which details the methods that can be used to protect both themself or others.

    At my school there are lots of special ed kids who try to hurt others and that is what they do as a last resort.

  5. NO they can NOT do this. Your parents need to get involved in this.  If you do, the school will shut you up.

    It is very important to write down everything that you know. People's names, what they did, who they did it to, what they said, etc.

    THen your parents need to take this to a school board meeting and read it aloud in the meeting.

    Also write a letter about this and put in the local newspaper.

    Contacting the televisions news is great, too.

  6. Yes, special education teachers are usually certified to do holds for your protection or the protection of others.

    If you are in a school for kids with behavior problems, I bet every teacher, assistant, principal and counselor is certified to do those holds.  

    Don't get arrested anymore.  It's not worth it.  Fix your own problems so you can back to your regular school.. You will be much happier there. :)

    Edit - To J.  What the heck to do you expect teachers to do?  If I didn't stop the fight before it happened, you'd be in an outrage.  If the kid ran into traffic and was hurt, you'd fuss and take that to the newspaper.  Realize there are less than ideal situations for everyone involved and someone has to take action for the sake of others.

  7. It depends.  If you are causing a disturbance that can cause harm to yourself or others, then yes they can hold you.  I am sure that there is something regarding restraint in your IEP.

  8. If you are in a school for students who have emotional and behavioral disorders, typically you are going to see this everyday sometimes more than once a day. Each state is different pertaining to restraint; however, during a student's IEP meeting in order for a student to be restrained the parent must first agree to the Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP). This can include different type of takedowns and holds. The BIP can also include a seclusion type ("time-out") room where a student goes if nothing else calms the student.

    Yes- this is very unfortunate, but necessary to keep those who are not involved safe and the person causing the outburst/tantrum safe.

    On the other hand, I have seen a student who have destroyed classrooms and there was nothing that could be done about it but either call the police or kick them out of school because her parents did not want a BIP.  After so many times of having to take off of work to come and get her child, the mom accepted reality and signed the BIP.

    My advice to you is to asked to be dismissed from the classroom and walk away to calm down.  I know you are in a tough situation right now, but the only person who can control you is you.

    Good luck to you!

  9. The rules are different in special education. Although states vary, most ESE teachers are trained in safe crisis management, which teaches them how to restrain an out of control student.  In fact, many students have restraint listed on their IEP.

  10. They can restrain someone if he is in danger of hurting himself or someone else. That is the only time

  11. If it is in his/her behavior plan then yes it is legal. If the teacher has had crisis training. But this is only to be done for the safety of the child/teen or their classmates.

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