
Can they induce me if i ask the doctor?

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can they induce me on my due date or a little before it if i ask? unless i go into labor of course. i want my baby to be ready and healthy, plus the doctor said my baby is fine and its going to be ok for her to be born anytime now (im gonna be 38 weeks in 2 days). but her due date is september 10...and i dont want her to be born on 9/11...since that was such a tragic day. what do you think...i wanted other people's opinion.




  1. Millions of people have died on every single day of the year. Don't risk bringing your baby in to the world too soon. The baby will come when it's ready. I don't know of any doctors who will induce before the due date unless it's needed. Whatever day your baby is born will be a great day for you.

  2. i think your dr will understand I told my dr i wanted to be induced .. he did

  3. Unfortunately, there are some OBs who actually will expose their patients to the increased risk of induction, just on a whim.

    Induction of labor is not to be taken lightly.  It increases your risk of quite a few complications, including c-section (and all the many complications that can go with that), endometritis, and postpartum hemorrhage even if you do manage to have a vaginal birth.  It also puts your baby at increased risk of fetal distress and some neonatal complications.

    Also, it can take days.

    It should be avoided unless it is absolutely medically necessary.

    The birth of your baby is a wonderful event, and the date should not matter.  Every day marks some horrible event in history.  911 is just recent and close to us.  But being born on that day will not have any adverse effects on your child, whereas induction of labor certainly can.

    Good luck -- I hope all goes well.

  4. some doctors r against inducing labor, they like 4 the baby 2 b the 1 2 make the decision on when it will come out.  my best friend carried her youngest son for 9 months and 3 weeks b4 they finally induced her after she cussed out every1 n the hospital. it never hurts 2 ask though they may understand ur situation.


  5. Do whatever you want to do but I would let things happen on their own.  My brother was born on 9/11 and we look at it as his BIRTHDAY, not the day some planes crashed into a building.  A lot of people have that birthday and it doesn't make things different.  If you're really hellbent on it then go for being induced though.  As long as your doctor is fine with it then it's all good.

  6. I assume you have never received induction medication before... or this is your first child.  There is a small chance it would be 9/11 but so what? It's her/his birthday so why let that bother you so much.  I really would avoid induction at ALL costs... it makes labor A LOT more painful... stay away from pitocin (which I call the medicine of the devil) at all costs!!!  I only had a small amount near end of labor, I turned into the devil, I thought I was going to kill someone!!!

  7. My advice would be to just wait it out unless you go over your due date or have a medical issue.  Induction is very rough on your body, the baby, and makes the labor more intense.  At least that was my experience.  S/he will come when s/he's ready.

  8. it depends on the doctor but if everything is going well i don't think the doc will say yes

  9. I guess it would depend on your doctor... but I would say in most circumstances theywouldn't induce you if there wasn't a medical reason.

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